Год издания: 2023
Аннотация: Much of the investigation in bioinformatics is related to the phylogenetic reconstruction of evolutionary history of homologous proteins and domains among various groups of organisms. However, these investigations have traditionally relied on manual execution of necessary programs that are time-consuming and often subject to human Показать полностьюbiases. Meanwhile, multiple studies are associated with similar approaches. In particular, Darius Kazlauskas et al. (2020) investigated evolution of B-family DNA polymerases using approaches similar to the study of AAA+ ATPases [1]. Additionally, such a tool might be useful for large-scale studies in which took place the search for homologues and the identification of structural motifs and partial genomic analysis, for instance investigation of DNA polymerase III α subunits evolution [2] and research of phylogenetic relationship among plant class I Clp ATPases [3].Similarity of methods used for evolutionary analysis predicate the need for an automated pipeline for the reconstruction of protein (domain) evolution. Hence, in our work, we developed the Protein evolutionary genomics pipeline (PEGP) that aims to address these challenges by automating the process and integrating multiple analysis steps into a single tool. By combining essential functionalities, PEGP enables researchers to save time and effort while obtaining accurate and comprehensive results.
Журнал: Bioinformatics Institute 2022/23
Номера страниц: 11-13
Место издания: Санкт-Петербург