Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: Экологическая, промышленная и энергетическая безопасность - 2023; Севастополь; Севастополь
Год издания: 2023
Аннотация: The dynamics of fire emissions in Siberia has been generalized based on satellite data on wildfires for the period 2002-2022. Based on the Fire Radiative Power (FRP) technique, a long-term positive trend of high-intensity burning was evaluated, which determines the increase in the specific values of fire emissions per unit area. OuПоказать полностьюr results showed that there was an increase in the proportion of areas of high-intensity fires over the past decade on about ~30 % of area of the boreal forests of Siberia, including the Arctic zone. We estimated that Siberian fires are responsible for about 5-20 % of the total volume of greenhouse gas emissions in the Russian Federation, depending on the fire season scenario. The recurrence of extremely high emissions (296-350 Тg C/year) will make it possible to consider part of Siberian forests as a source of carbon in the future.
Журнал: Экологическая, промышленная и энергетическая безопасность - 2023
Номера страниц: 75-80
Место издания: Севастополь