Тип публикации: научное издание
Год издания: 2021
Ключевые слова: meromorphic mappings, complex space
Аннотация: The Horn-Kapranov parametrizations describe the singular sets of hypergeometric functions in several variables. These parametrizations are inverses of logarithmic Gauss maps for A-discriminants. In this paper we demonstrate that, despite the multivalued nature of the indicated parametrizations, their blow-ups properties are the samПоказать полностьюe as for single-valued meromorphic mappings. As an application, a new proof of factorization identities for the classical discriminant is given.
Журнал: Partial differential equations, spectral theory, and mathematical physics
Номера страниц: 315-329
Место издания: Stuttgart
Издатель: Universität Stuttgart