Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2023
Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/19988613/84/15
Ключевые слова: Chinese Eastern Railway, historical and architectural heritage, Russian emigrants from China, Китайская Восточная железная дорога, историко-архитектурное наследие, русские реэмигранты
Аннотация: Статья посвящена проблемам изучения историко-культурного наследия КВЖД. В работе ставится проблема введения в научный оборот в качестве исторических источников по истории сохранения русского историко-архитектурного наследия в Маньчжурии работ русских реэмигрантов - выходцев из Китая. Представлен фотоальбом «Харбин двадцатых-сороковПоказать полностьюых годов в современном городе» как наиболее содержательный исторический источник, отражающий первый этап изучения в России историко-архитектурного наследия КВЖД русскими реэмигрантами. Автор заявляет об отсутствии конфликта интересов. The article is devoted to the problems of studying the historical and cultural heritage of the CER. The paper raises the problem of introducing the works of Russian emigrants, immigrants from China, into scientific circulation as historical sources on the history of the preservation of the Russian historical and architectural heritage in Manchuria, primarily in the city of Harbin. In Russia, the study of the Russian historical and architectural heritage in Northeast China began in the 1990s. Architects were engaged in this process, and historical documents were the basis of the research. The first study on the history of Russian architecture in Northeast China was carried out in Novosibirsk, then for more than two decades, the monopoly on the study of the history of Russian architectural heritage passed to the Khabarovsk residents. In the works of the early 2000s the researchers pointed out that the sources already contained materials from “natural surveys”. In recent years, historians and representatives of other scientific specialties have actively begun to study the issues of preserving and studying the historical and architectural heritage of the CER. For further study of this problem, it is necessary to expand the source base of research. Among the first to show interest in Russian heritage in the postSoviet era were Russian immigrants from China, who remained contemporaries of an epoch they studied as carriers of studied culture. In the 1990s emigrants, known as "Harbiners", joined public life, restored ties with China, and began to actively visit their native places. They actively published the materials collected in China and impressions of what they saw in their homeland in the periodicals of their public organizations. The works of re-emigrants from China are also historical sources for researchers. This article presents a photo album "Harbin in the twenties and forties in a modern city." This album was the result of many years of searching work by G.A. Myslina, one of the organizers of the social movement "Kharbintsev" in Russia. This photo album remains the most informative historical source, reflecting the first stage in the study of the historical and architectural heritage of the CER by Russian emigrants in Russia. The author declares no conflicts of interests.
Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета. История
Выпуск журнала: № 84
Номера страниц: 119-126
ISSN журнала: 19988613
Место издания: Томск
Издатель: Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет