Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: III International Conference on Metrological Support of Innovative Technologies (ICMSIT-III-2022); Krasnoyarsk; Krasnoyarsk
Год издания: 2022
Идентификатор DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2373/2/022041
Аннотация: In this paper, we conduct research of the waveguide strength under icing. Icing is assumed to be uniform along the perimeter and length of the waveguide, so ice deposits is considered in the form of an equivalent increase in the density of the structure. As a result, the icing problem is reduced to the problem of gravitational bendПоказать полностьюing of the waveguide. Waveguide has a thin-walled rectangular cross-section; therefore, a solution demand using the theory of plate. We model the waveguide in the form of 4 plates that made it possible to obtain an analytical solution to the problem according to the plate theory. Also, it makes possible to identify the features of the stress distribution both in length and in the height of cross-section of the waveguide and refine the results in comparison with the theory of beams. The results of analytical calculation according to the developed method is compared with the data obtained according to beam theory, which show good convergence with the data obtained according to beam theory, which showed good convergence.
Журнал: Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Номера страниц: 22041
Место издания: Krasnoyarsk