The organizational potential of the societies of agricultural colonies and craft shelters at the stage of formation (on the example of Siberia at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century) [Организационный потенциал Обществ земледельческих колоний и ремесленных приютов на стадии формирования (на примере Сибири конца XIХ – начала ХХ вв.)]


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2020

Идентификатор DOI: 10.13187/bg.2020.3.1194

Ключевые слова: organizational capacity, preparatory commission, resources, society of agricultural colonies and craft shelters

Аннотация: Societies of agricultural colonies and craft shelters have a short (1895−1917), but unique history in Siberia. For more than 20 years, they created and operated correctional institutions where children and adolescents were kept isolated from adult criminals, and the prison regime was replaced by educational and combined with labor Показать полностьюand spiritual and moral influence on the personality of the pupil. The author's analysis focuses on the activities of preparatory commissions that provide organizational and legal measures from the development of constituent documents to the attraction of resources (material and financial resources, organizational abilities of actors) of future companies. The study of such societies has shown that the prosperity of any of them depends on the level of organizational potential, defined as the ability to attract all those organizations and those people who can make a positive contribution to this process. These materials showed that, despite the significance of the social project, its implementation in Siberia was hindered by the lack of support from the population, which did not show active sympathy for teenagers caught in committing offenses and the inertia of the administrative and managerial apparatus. The article verifies the claim of a number of Russian researchers that membership and collection of donations in favor of charitable organizations operating in Siberia were not always voluntary. Copyright © 2020 by International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research Societies of agricultural colonies and craft shelters have a short (1895 -1917), but unique history in Siberia. For more than 20 years, they created and operated correctional institutions where children and adolescents were kept isolated from adult criminals, and the prison regime was replaced by educational and combined with labor and spiritual and moral influence on the personality of the pupil. The author's analysis focuses on the activities of preparatory commissions that provide organizational and legal measures from the development of constituent documents to the attraction of resources (material and financial resources, organizational abilities of actors) of future companies. The study of such societies has shown that the prosperity of any of them depends on the level of organizational potential, defined as the ability to attract all those organizations and those people who can make a positive contribution to this process. These materials showed that, despite the significance of the social project, its implementation in Siberia was hindered by the lack of support from the population, which did not show active sympathy for teenagers caught in committing offenses and the inertia of the administrative and managerial apparatus. The article verifies the claim of a number of Russian researchers that membership and collection of donations in favor of charitable organizations operating in Siberia were not always voluntary.

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Журнал: Bylye Gody

Выпуск журнала: Vol. 57, Is. 3

Номера страниц: 1194-1201

ISSN журнала: 20739745

Издатель: International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research


  • Pashina N.V. (Siberian Federal University, Russian Federation)
  • Kattsina T.A. (Siberian Federal University, Russian Federation)
  • Mezit L.E. (Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P., Astafev, Russian Federation)
  • Fedorchenko V.I. (Siberian Federal University, Russian Federation)

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