Перевод названия: Determination of ionospheric error GLONASS signals by phase measurements on L1 and L2
Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2016
Ключевые слова: ГНСС, ионосфера, фазовая псевдодальность, gnss, ionosphere, phase pseudorange
Аннотация: Рассмотрены методы уменьшения погрешности, связанные с задержкой навигационного сигнала при прохождении от космического аппарата до двухчастотной аппаратуры потребителя через слой ионосферы. The widespread use of modern Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) leads to the necessity of the improПоказать полностьюvement of the accuracy of navigational measurements. The conditions for passing signals from navigation satellites (NS) in the atmosphere have a great influence on an inaccuracy of navigation measurements according to the signals of global navigation satellite systems GNSS and GPS. The research demonstrates the great influence, which provides the ionosphere on the signals of NS GNSS and GPS. The influence of the ionosphere on the propagation of the signals of NS leads to the phase and group delays. The quantity of signal delay in the ionosphere depends on the solar activity, the seasonal and daily variations, the elevation angle and the azimuth of satellites and, also, on the latitude and the longitude of consumers navigational equipment (CNE) of GNSS and GPS. This article discusses methods of reducing errors associated with the navigation signal delays in the propagation from the navigation satellites to the consumer navigational equipment through the ionosphere layer. In the study of the existing method of finding the ionosphere corrections, been found the main drawbacks in its use. This fact determines the relevance of search another method to compensate for the ionosphere error. Based on studies conducted by the author, been submitted an alternative method and the results of analysis of experimental data. As key evidence, was given of a comparative analysis of the two studied methods. The advantage of alternative method lies in the fact that this technique calculates ionosphere correction can be found in the two-frequency apparatus without using a calibration related to the difference of the signals in the paths. The results are correlated, but the ionosphere error, considering using the phase measurement, has a smaller random error (MSE does not exceed 20 cm). The disadvantage of this method lies in the fact that the first result of the calculation of the ionospheres corrections obtained after about 3 min of receipt of first phase measurements, in contrast to the classical method in which the result is obtained immediately.
Журнал: Успехи современной радиоэлектроники
Выпуск журнала: № 11
Номера страниц: 166-170
ISSN журнала: 20700784
Место издания: Москва
Издатель: Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника