Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 1998
Идентификатор DOI: 10.1007/bf02468120
Ключевые слова: soliton, wave packet, Boussinesq equation, differential relation, inverse scattering transform
Аннотация: The known model of nonlinear dispersive waves, which was proposed by Boussinesq in the second half of the nineteenth century, is considered. Solutions of the Boussinesq equation, which are expressed via elementary functions and describe wave packets, their interaction between each other and with solitons, and some other structures Показать полностьюare obtained. To construct these solutions, Hirota's bilinear representation and differential relations specified by ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients are used.
Журнал: Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics
Выпуск журнала: Т. 39, № 3
Номера страниц: 389-392
ISSN журнала: 00218944
Место издания: Moscow
Издатель: Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.