Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2023
Идентификатор DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2023.02046
Ключевые слова: physical education, swimming, autonomous regulation, heart rate variability
Аннотация: Improving the methods of the body vegetative disorders correction with the use of swimming seems relevant and timely. Purpose: studying a prolonged course of physical activity in an aquatic environment effect on the vegetative support of the body in university students using the heart rate variability method. Materials and methods.Показать полностью47 young men-1-2 year students of three universities from Nizhny Novgorod (Russia) were included in the experiment. Heart rate variability registration was carried out by the diagnostic complex «Poly-Spectrum» (Neurosoft, Ivanovo) in the supine position. The standard characteristics of heart rate variability were studied. The registration of indicators was carried out before the start of classes and after a four-month swimming course with a frequency of classes 1 time per week lasting 60 minutes. One-factor analysis of variance ANOVA was used to compare these samples with each other. Results. It is established that before the start of swimming classes, vegetative support is characterized by a certain increase in the tension of regulatory mechanisms and a decrease in functional reserves, which is associated with high educational and psycho-emotional activity of junior studying years students. After exposure to four-month weekly cyclic physical activity in the form of swimming, stabilization of parameters is observed in the field of the autonomous regulation circuit contribution strengthening, the predominance of normotonia, a decrease in the stress index and an increase in physical performance among the studied university students. Conclusions. Taking into account the positive effect of swimming on the body of those engaged in it, it can be recommended for vegetative disorders and improving physical performance correction in junior high school students under the control of the heart rate variability method.
Журнал: Journal of Physical Education and Sport
Выпуск журнала: Т.23, №2
Номера страниц: 385-390
ISSN журнала: 15828131