Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2022
Идентификатор DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2021.130842
Ключевые слова: alumina nanofibers, ammonia decomposition, cesium, ruthenium catalysts, specific catalytic activity
Аннотация: The study of ruthenium catalysts for ammonia decomposition on carbonized and noncarbonized Al2O3 nanofibers (ANF) showed that activity of the catalysts with carbonized supports (ANFC) was twofold higher as compared to noncarbonized ones. Thus, on Ru/ANFC and Ru-Cs/ANFC the release of hydrogen reached 8.7 and 18.3 mmol H2/(min·gcat)Показать полностью, respectively, whereas on Ru/ANF and Ru-Cs/ANF, only 4.4 and 9.6 mmol H2/(min·gcat), respectively. According to TEM, Ru particles on ANFC have a greater size than on ANF but are distributed more uniformly. As shown by TEM, XRD and XPS data, ANFC and ANF fibers are strongly different. © 2021 Elsevier B.V.
Журнал: Materials Letters
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 306
Номера страниц: 130842
ISSN журнала: 0167577X
Издатель: Elsevier B.V.