Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2023
Идентификатор DOI: 10.1007/s40843-022-2315-9
Ключевые слова: Ce3+, thermal stability, band gap, broadband red lu-minescence
Аннотация: lue-light-excitable red-emitting phosphorswith high thermal stability are essential for fabricating whitelight-emitting diodes (WLEDs). Herein, Ce3+-doped SrLaScO4(SLO:Ce3+) phosphor is discovered to have an abnormal redemission band centered at 640 nm when excited at 440 nm.Spectroscopy and structural analyses confirm that Ce3+ionПоказать полностьюsoccupy the [LaO8] polyhedrons competitively, generating astrong crystal field splitting and a large Stokes shift to producea red emission. To further restrict the thermal quenching ofSLO:Ce3+, charge-transfer engineering is implemented by in-corporating a large electronegative Ga3+in the Sc3+site, whichcan attract more charges from nearby coordinating groups todecrease the electronic occupation at the bottom of the con-duction band and thereby enlarge the band gap. Sc/Ga sub-stitution in SrLa(Sc,Ga)O4:Ce3+enhances the thermal stabilityby increasing the intensity ratio from 15% to 31% at 150°Ccompared with 20°C. This is attributed to the efficient sup-pression of the thermally stimulated ionization process. Thisstudy presents a general design principle for discovering novelCe3+-doped red phosphors with good thermal stability forWLED applications.
Журнал: Science China Materials
Номера страниц: 1-7
ISSN журнала: 20958226