Неолитическая керамика посольского и усть-бельского типов из окрестностей г. Красноярска в фондах Красноярского краевого краеведческого музея : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2022

Идентификатор DOI: 10.26516/2227-2380.2022.41.92

Ключевые слова: Krasnoyarsk Archaeological Region, Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum of Local History, neolithic, ancient pottery, Ust-Belaya ceramic type, Posolskaya ceramic type, Красноярский археологический район, красноярский краевой краеведческий музей, неолит, древнее гончарство, усть-бельский тип керамики, посольский тип керамики

Аннотация: Представлены результаты исследования посольской и усть-бельской керамики эпохи неолита из фондов Красноярского краевого краеведческого музея. Рассматриваемые коллекции получены в ходе сборов экспонированного материала и раскопок, проводившихся в период 1892-1929 гг. на четырех стоянках в окрестностях г. Красноярска: Усть-Собакино, Показать полностьюБазаиха, Ладейки и Няша. Усть-бельская керамика встречена на всех местонахождениях, в то время как посольская найдена на стоянках Базаиха и Няша. Проанализированные керамические материалы находят широкие аналогии в материалах среднего неолита Байкало-Енисейской Сибири. This article presents the Neolithic ceramics of the Ust-Belaya and Posolskaya types from sites in the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk from the funds of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum of Local History. These materials were found at the sites of Ust-Sobakino, Bazaikha, Ladeiki, and Nyasha in the 1890s-1920s. During these years, various researchers collected exhibited material, including Neolithic ceramics, and handed it over to the museum's funds. The only excavations of the Neolithic site during this period were carried out in 1929 at Ust-Sobakino by V. Kartsov. Most of the material received was not published. 110 fragments from 29 vessels of the Ust-Belaya type and 12 fragments from 8 vessels of the Posolskaya ones were analyzed. Vessels of the Ust-Belaya type were found at all objects and have a simple closed, rarely open form. The ornament could occupy both the upper part of the vessel and cover it entirely. The rim on the outer side, or on both sides, is decorated with oblique impressions of a comb stamp, rarely smooth or other types of serrated. In the rim area there is a belt of rounded pits. The main part of the ornamental composition is represented by lines of a receding scapula or rows of impressions of comb, larval and other types of serrated stamp (rarely smooth). Posolskaya type pottery was found at Nyasha and one fragment at Bazaikha. Vessels have a closed shape with weak profiling. The ornament is localized in the upper part of the vessel and, in general, demonstrates the stability of the compositions: in all cases, horizontal motifs predominate. The rims are decorated on the outside with imprints of a comb stamp set at an angle and have a belt of round holes. Below the composition continues with horizontal drawn lines, or a receding shoulder blade with a narrow-rounded working edge. Overall, the collection of Neolithic ceramics of both types finds broad analogies in the materials of Baikal-Yenisei Siberia. The lower time limits for both types of ceramics in the region are determined by the dates from the Elenev Cave site - 6900±115 BP (SOAN-3998) for the Posolskaya type and 6475±190 BP (SOAN-2906) for the Ust-Belaya type. The upper limit is determined in the same way according to the date from Nyasha 4080±60 BP. However, for the Southern Angara and Baikal regions, dates were obtained in a narrower chronorange from 5852±34 (OxA-22373) to 5585±20 BP (UCIAMS-207539).

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Журнал: Известия Иркутского государственного университета. Серия: Геоархеология. Этнология. Антропология

Выпуск журнала: Т. 41

Номера страниц: 92-103

ISSN журнала: 22272380

Место издания: Иркутск

Издатель: Иркутский государственный университет


  • Уланов Илья Викторович (Иркутский государственный университет)
  • Макаров Николай Поликарпович (Красноярский краевой краеведческий музей)
  • Уланова Александра Владимировна (Иркутский государственный университет)

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