Evaluation of the effect of background electrolytecomposition and independence of parameters indetermining binding constants of betulin derivatives to β-and dimethyl-β-cyclodextrins by affinity capillaryelectrophoresis : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2022

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1002/jssc.202200453

Ключевые слова: drug delivery, host-guest complex, inclusion complex, pentacyclic lupane triterpenoids, solubilization

Аннотация: The values of the apparent binding constants for β-cyclodextrin complexes ofbetulin derivatives determined by mobility shift affinity capillary electrophoresiswere found to be independent of the composition of the two background elec-trolytes used (tetraborate buffer, pH 9.18, and phosphate buffer, pH 8.00, both ofthem with 20 mM iПоказать полностьюonic strength). It has been found that if there is not a con-stant plateau on the binding curve then four independent parameters can bedetermined: binding constants (also referred to as stability, association, or for-mation constants) and ionic mobilities of 1:1 and 1:2 complexes. However, at least10–12 data points in the binding curve should be used to reliably estimate theparameters. For the first time, the apparent binding constants for complexes ofester betulin derivatives with dimethyl-β-cyclodextrin have been determined bymobility shift affinity capillary electrophoresis. The logarithms of the constantsfor1:1and1:2complexesat25◦C for betulin 3,28-diphthalate with a 95% confi-dence interval are 4.98 (4.95–5.01) and 7.52 (7.26–7.68); for betulin 3,28-disulfate,the values are 4.97 (4.89–5.03) and 8.24 (6.82–8.52). It has been found that betulin3,28-disuccinate forms only a 1:1 complex and the binding constant logarithm is5.25±0.02.

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Журнал: Journal of Separation Science

Выпуск журнала: Т. 45, 19

Номера страниц: 3745-3753

ISSN журнала: 16159306

Издатель: Wiley Interscience


  • Sursyakova Viktoria V. (Institute of Chemistry and ChemicalTechnology SB RAS, Federal ResearchCenter “Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS”)
  • Levdansky Vladimir A. (Institute of Chemistry and ChemicalTechnology SB RAS, Federal ResearchCenter “Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS”)
  • Rubaylo Anatoly I. (School of Non-Ferrous Metals andMaterial Science, Siberian FederalUniversity)

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