Особенности формирования улицы Карла Маркса в историческом центре города Красноярска : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2022

Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/22220836/46/18

Ключевые слова: open public spaces, historic architectural environment, objects of cultural heritage, pedestrian connection, sidewalk zoning, открытые общественные пространства, историческая архитектурная среда, объекты культурного наследия, пешеходная связь, зонирование тротуара улицы

Аннотация: Авторами статьи выявлены и проанализированы особенности организации улицы Карла Маркса в историческом центре города Красноярска как открытого общественного пространства, располагающегося в зоне влияния объектов культурного наследия. При этом внимание акцентировано на исторической части улицы, которая включает в себя центральную горПоказать полностьюодскую площадь и другие важнейшие общественные открытые пространства Красноярска. На примере улицы Карла Маркса предложены рекомендации по внесению дополнений в документацию регулирования зон с особыми условиями использования территорий, связанными с охраной объектов культурного наследия. The authors of the article address the problem of organization of Karl Marx Street in the historic center of Krasnoyarsk as an open public space, located in the cultural heritage objects influence zone. The focus of this article is on the historic part of the street. The relevance of the study is due to several factors. Firstly, Karl Marx Street is a connecting communication axis, uniting territories of such significant and large public spaces as: Red Square, Central Park, Historical Quarter, Revolution Square, Peace Square and part of the central embankment. In this regard, the street is considered as a linear recreation, adjoined by the largest open recreational areas of the historic center of Krasnoyarsk which also form its view. Secondly, Karl Marx Street houses objects of cultural heritage. There is a clear need for further development and improvement of Karl Marx Street as a connecting pedestrian axis between historically significant spaces and objects of cultural heritage. The purpose of the study is to identify the peculiarities of Karl Marx Street formation in the historic center of Krasnoyarsk and develop recommendations for making additions to the regulation of special use zones related to cultural heritage protection. In the course of the study the following results were achieved. 1) Three largest conventional culturally-significant open public spaces adjacent to Karl Marx Street with were identified by analyzing the interactive map of Krasnoyarsk called “Special Use Zones related to the protection of cultural heritage objects”. 2) The current condition of the street was assessed on the basis of analysis of photofixation. 3) Historical documents containing information on lost objects of cultural heritage and the stages of formation of Karl Marx Street were analyzed. 4) The following documents on the regulation of Special Use zones related to the protection of objects of cultural heritage were analyzed: “Government Decree of the Krasnoyarsk Region № 569-p dated 15.11.2016”. “On the Approval of the Boundaries of Protection Zones of Cultural Heritage Objects of Federal, Regional and Local (Municipal) Importance, Located in Krasnoyarsk, Special Regimes of Land Use and Requirements for Urban Planning Regulations Within the Boundaries of These Protection Zones”; Order of the Krasnoyarsk Region State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects № 487 from 05.10.2020 “On the Approval of Boundaries and Regime of Use of the Cultural Heritage Object Territory”; Order of the Krasnoyarsk Region Ministry of Culture № 314 dated 01.07.2013. The influence of these documents extends within the boundaries of the three conditionally designated locations and along Karl Marx Street in the historic center. The recommendations on the formation and improvement of Karl Marx Street proposed by the authors can be considered the main result of the study. On the basis of these recommendations the authors propose to make additions to the regulation of areas with special use related to the protection of cultural heritage.

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Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета. Культурология и искусствоведение

Выпуск журнала: 46

Номера страниц: 211-223

ISSN журнала: 22220836

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет


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