Copper busbars extrusion on "conform" installation with prechamber


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2016

Идентификатор DOI: 10.17580/tsm.2016.05.12

Ключевые слова: "Conform" installation, Busbar surface defects, Continuous extrusion, Copper busbar, Modernization of pressing instrument, Prechamber

Аннотация: The object of investigations is the real technological process of copper busbars extrusion on "Conform" installation with prechamber at Kamensk-Uralsky Non-Ferrous Metal Working Plant. This installation was commissioned at the end of 2013. Analysis of the statistical data of pressed copper busbars wastage showed the most wide-spreaПоказать полностьюd type of defects as a crack on the busbars edge. In connection with this, the purpose of researches was the search of the possibility of increasing quality and economic efficiency of obtaining the mouldings due to the leveling of metal flow at the output from the prechamber and on matrix channel section. There was also set a task of technological process correction without the significant redesign of the set of pressing instrument. Regulation of metal flow rate in universal prechamber by the profile section required the matrix setting in a position, where the distance between the inclined side walls of trapezoidal prechamber and end sides of matrix channel provides the levelled flow of metal with equal rates by the whole section of extruded profile. For this purpose, the width of prechamber hole element in the first approaching should be interversal to the thickness of the corresponding element of matrix channel. As a result, there was offered the new scheme of matrix deposition relatively to the universal prechamber, making possible the significant decrease of deformation unevennes by the moulding section and exclude the defects on its surface.

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Журнал: Tsvetnye Metally

Выпуск журнала: Is. 5

Номера страниц: 75-78


  • Мочалин И.В. (Каменск-Уральский завод ОЦМ)
  • Горохов Ю.В. (Сибирский федеральный университет)
  • Беляев С.В. (Сибирский федеральный университет)
  • Губанов И.Ю. (Сибирский федеральный университет)

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