Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: International Conference on Innovations and Prospects of Development of Mining Machinery and Electrical Engineering 2017, IPDME 2017
Год издания: 2017
Идентификатор DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/87/8/082020
Аннотация: The process of defoaming in oil production is discussed. This technology is important in oil and gas fields. Today, the technology of separating the gas fraction is based on chemical catalysis. The use of mechanical technologies improves the economics of the process. Modernization of the separator input device is based on the use oПоказать полностьюf long thin tubes. The chosen length of the tubes is two orders of magnitude larger than the diameter. The separation problem is solved by creating a high centrifugal acceleration. The tubes of the input device are connected in parallel and divide the input stream into several arms. The separated fluid flows are directed tangentially into the working tubes to create a vortex motion. The number of tubes connected in parallel is calculated in accordance with the flow rate of the fluid. The connection of the working tubes to the supply line is made in the form of a flange. This connection allows carrying out maintenance without stopping the flow of fluid. An important feature of this device is its high potential for further modernization. It is concerned with the determination of the parameters of the tubes and the connection geometry in the construction of a single product. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Журнал: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 87, Is. 8
Номера страниц: 82020
ISSN журнала: 17551307
Издатель: Institute of Physics Publishing