Обязанности, профессиональный облик и личные качества чиновников акцизных управлений и казенных палат в губерниях и областях Восточной Сибири начала ХХ в : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2022

Идентификатор DOI: 10.13187/bg.2022.2.994

Ключевые слова: officials, civil servants, treasury chamber, Excise Department, ministry of finance, Irkutsk province, Yenisei province, Trans-Baikal region, Yakut region, siberia, чиновники, государственные служащие, казенная палата, акцизное управление, министерство финансов, иркутская губерния, енисейская губерния, Забайкальская область, Якутская область, сибирь

Аннотация: В статье рассмотрен вопрос социального и профессионального облика чиновников Сибири по Министерству финансов и их значения в структуре местной власти. Объектом исследования выступили казначеи, старшие бухгалтеры, столоначальники, делопроизводители, контролеры, асессоры, ревизоры, техники, секретари, надзиратели, старшие и младшие иПоказать полностьюх помощники губернских, областных и окружных учреждений Иркутской и Енисейской губерний, Забайкальской и Якутской областей. Историческими источниками исследования стали «Списки чинов по Министерству финансов» за 1907, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1914 гг., в которых содержатся сведения об имени и чине, возрасте каждого приведенного служащего, наличии орденов и медалей, образовании (с наименованием учебного заведения), вероисповедании, этапах прохождения государственной службы (годы поступления на гражданскую службу, в ведомство и настоящую должность). Анализ и сравнение выявленных данных позволили установить закономерности в профессиональном облике и личных качествах чиновников, служивших в 1906-1917 гг. на должностях VI-VIII классов. Во-первых, возрастной состав местных управленцев данного ранга был неодинаков среди административно-территориальных единиц Иркутского генерал-губернаторства. Так, в пограничных и отдаленных территориях служили более молодые по возрасту чиновники (54 % - от 26 до 45 лет), в губерниях же было больше чиновников в возрасте от 46 до 55 лет (46 %), а от 26 до 45 лет - 34 %. Во-вторых, при абсолютном большинстве православных чиновников (более 70 %), на отдаленных территориях Восточной Сибири традиционно служили католики и протестанты (совместно около 20 %). В-третьих, за беспорочную службу представители местной администрации традиционно награждались орденами и медалями. Отмеченных орденами Святых Владимира, Анны, Станислава и медалями было более 60 % чиновников. This article tested the facts of social and professional appearance of officials in Siberia. They served in the structure of local government under the Ministry of Finance. The object of the study is treasurers, senior accountants, clerks, clerks, controllers, assessors, auditors, technicians, secretaries, overseers, senior and junior assistants who served in the provincial, regional and district institutions of the Irkutsk province, the Yenisei province, the Trans-Baikal region and the Yakutsk region. The historical sources of the study were the “Lists of ranks in the Ministry of Finance” for 1907, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1914, which contain information about the name and rank, the ages, the presence of orders and medals, education (with the name of the educational institution), religion, stages of public service (years of entry into the civil service, department and current position). We analyzed and compared the data and established patterns in the professional appearance and personal qualities of officials who served in 1906-1917. We examined officials who worked in positions of the VI-VIII classes according to the "Table of Ranks" of Peter I. We discovered the following patterns. Firstly, the officials were younger in the Trans-Baikal and Yakut regions compared to the officials who served in the Irkutsk and Yenisei provinces. That is, younger officials went to more remote territories. In the Yakutsk region and the Trans-Baikal region, 54% of officials were between 26 and 45 years old. In the Yenisei province and the Irkutsk province, officials aged 46 to 55 years old accounted for 46%, and from 26 to 45 years old - 34%. Secondly, 70% of officials were Orthodox in Eastern Siberia, 20% of officials were Catholics and Protestants. Thirdly, representatives of the local administration were traditionally awarded orders and medals for impeccable service. More than 60% of officials were marked with orders of Saints Vladimir, Anna, Stanislav and medals. This article tested the facts of social and professional appearance of officials in Siberia. They served in the structure of local government under the Ministry of Finance. The object of the study is treasurers, senior accountants, clerks, clerks, controllers, assessors, auditors, technicians, secretaries, overseers, senior and junior assistants who served in the provincial, regional and district institutions of the Irkutsk province, the Yenisei province, the Trans-Baikal region and the Yakutsk region. The historical sources of the study were the “Lists of ranks in the Ministry of Finance” for 1907, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1914, which contain information about the name and rank, the ages, the presence of orders and medals, education (with the name of the educational institution), religion, stages of public service (years of entry into the civil service, department and current position). We analyzed and compared the data and established patterns in the professional appearance and personal qualities of officials who served in 1906-1917. We examined officials who worked in positions of the VI-VIII classes according to the "Table of Ranks" of Peter I. We discovered the following patterns. Firstly, the officials were younger in the Trans-Baikal and Yakut regions compared to the officials who served in the Irkutsk and Yenisei provinces. That is, younger officials went to more remote territories. In the Yakutsk region and the Trans-Baikal region, 54 % of officials were between 26 and 45 years old. In the Yenisei province and the Irkutsk province, officials aged 46 to 55 years old accounted for 46 %, and from 26 to 45 years old - 34 %. Secondly, 70 % of officials were Orthodox in Eastern Siberia, 20 % of officials were Catholics and Protestants. Thirdly, representatives of the local administration were traditionally awarded orders and medals for impeccable service. More than 60 % of officials were marked with orders of Saints Vladimir, Anna, Stanislav and medals. © 2022 International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research. All rights reserved.

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Журнал: Былые годы

Выпуск журнала: 17

Номера страниц: 994-1001

ISSN журнала: 20739745

Место издания: Washington DC

Издатель: Cherkas Global University


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