Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2022
Идентификатор DOI: 10.30759/1728-9718-2022-2(75)-167-174
Ключевые слова: history of Siberia, Yeniseysk, wooden architecture monument, dendrochronology, chronological typology, история Сибири, Енисейск, памятник деревянного зодчества, дендрохронология, хронологическая типология
Аннотация: В Енисейске, согласно официальным данным, сохранилось более семидесяти разноплановых памятников деревянного зодчества, время сооружения которых вызывает дискуссии. В результате комплексного (дендрохронологического, исторического и архитектурного) исследования была создана хронологическая типология, согласно которой деревянные сооружения (жилые дома, флигели и некоторые казенные сооружения) были сгруппированы по четырем хронологическим типам: I - сооружения первой четверти XIX в. (дома со связью или пятистенки на высоком хозяйственном подклете с вальмовой или пирамидальной кровлей с небольшими окнами, сохранившие черты строительных традиций Русского Севера); II - сооружения конца 1860-х - начала 1890-х гг. (после пожарные эклектичные двухэтажные сооружения с остекленной галереей второго этажа боковой пристройки и пристроенные к ним флигели); III - сооружения 1890-х гг. (казенные бревенчатые сооружения и одно-двухэтажные жилые постройки с остекленной галереей второго этажа, отличающиеся от второго типа менее выразительными чертами оформления - карниза, наличников и др.); IV - сооружения начала XX в. (одноэтажные здания с ярким пропильным декорированием наличников и карниза). Отдельную группу сооружений составили объекты культурного наследия с более архаичными чертами (по сравнению с полученными дендрохронологическими датами), свидетельствующими о сохранении строительных традиций. Таким образом, предложенная хронологическая типология позволила более детально раскрыть градостроительные процессы г. Енисейска. Разработанный методический подход обладает значительным исследовательским потенциалом хронологической атрибуции сибирского деревянного городского строительства конца XVIII - начала XX в. Nowadays in Yeniseysk more than seventy diverse wooden architecture monuments have been preserved. The time of their construction remains debated. On the basis of a comprehensive (dendrochronological, historical and architectural) study, a chronological typology was created, according to which wooden structures (residential buildings, outbuildings and some government buildings) were grouped into four chronological types: I - structures of the first quarter of the 19th century (izbas, five-wall houses on a high utility basement with a hip or pyramidal roof with small windows that retained the features of the Russia’s North tradition); II - structures of the late 1860s - early 1890s (post-fire eclectic two-storey buildings with a glazed gallery on the second floor of the side extension and outbuildings attached to them); III - buildings of the 1890s (government wooden buildings and one-two-storey residential buildings with a glazed gallery on the second floor, which differ from the second type in less expressive design features (cornice platbands, etc.)); IV - buildings of the early 20th century (one-storey buildings with the bright saw-cut decoration of platbands and cornice). A separate group was made up of objects with more archaic features (compared with the obtained dendrochronological dates), which preserved old traditions. The proposed chronological typology made it possible to detail the town-planning processes of Yeniseysk. The methodological arsenal developed in the work is expanding and deepening the research potential of trends in Siberian wooden urban construction study towards the end of the 18th - beginning of the 20th century. The developed methodological approach has a significant research potential for the chronological attribution of Siberian wooden urban construction in the late 18th - early 20th centuries. Nowadays in Yeniseysk more than seventy diverse wooden architecture monuments have been preserved. The time of their construction remains debated. On the basis of a comprehensive (dendrochronological, historical and architectural) study, a chronological typology was created, according to which wooden structures (residential buildings, outbuildings and some government buildings) were grouped into four chronological types: I — structures of the first quarter of the 19th century (izbas, five-wall houses on a high utility basement with a hip or pyramidal roof with small windows that retained the features of the Russia’s North tradition); II — structures of the late 1860s — early 1890s. (post-fire eclectic two-storey buildings with a glazed gallery on the second floor of the side extension and outbuildings attached to them); III — buildings of the 1890s (government wooden buildings and one-two-storey residential buildings with a glazed gallery on the second floor, which differ from the second type in less expressive design features (cornice platbands, etc.)); IV — buildings of the early 20th century (one-storey buildings with the bright saw-cut decoration of platbands and cornice). A separate group was made up of objects with more archaic features (compared with the obtained dendrochronological dates), which preserved old traditions. The proposed chronological typology made it possible to detail the town-planning processes of Yeniseysk. The methodological arsenal developed in the work is expanding and deepening the research potential of trends in Siberian wooden urban construction study towards the end of the 18th — beginning of the 20th century. The developed methodological approach has a significant research potential for the chronological attribution of Siberian wooden urban construction in the late 18th — early 20th centuries. © 2022 Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of RAS. All rights reserved.
Журнал: Уральский исторический вестник
Выпуск журнала: № 2
Номера страниц: 167-174
ISSN журнала: 17289718
Место издания: Екатеринбург
Издатель: Институт истории и археологии УрО РАН