Specific Features of Magnetic Properties of Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles of Bacterial Origin: A Shift of the Hysteresis Loop


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2016

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1134/S1063783416020050

Аннотация: The results of the experimental investigation into the magnetic hysteresis of systems of superparamagnetic ferrihydrite nanoparticles of bacterial origin have been presented. The hysteresis properties of these objects are determined by the presence of an uncompensated magnetic moment in antiferromagnetic nanoparticles. It has been Показать полностьюrevealed that, under the conditions of cooling in an external magnetic field, there is a shift of the hysteresis loop with respect to the origin of the coordinates. These features are associated with the exchange coupling of the uncompensated magnetic moment and the antiferromagnetic "core" of the particles, as well as with processes similar to those responsible for the behavior of minor hysteresis loops due to strong local anisotropy fields of the ferrihydrite nanoparticles.

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Выпуск журнала: Vol. 58, Is. 2

Номера страниц: 287-292

ISSN журнала: 10637834

Место издания: NEW YORK



  • Balaev D.A. (Siberian Federal University)
  • Dubrovskiy A.A. (International Laboratory of High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures)
  • Semenov S.V. (Siberian Federal University)
  • Popkov S.I. (Siberian Federal University)
  • Stolyar S.V. (Siberian Federal University)
  • Iskhakov R.S. (Kirensky Institute of Physics,Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Krasikov A.A. (Siberian Federal University)
  • Yaroslavtsev R.N. (Siberian Federal University)
  • Ladygina V.P. (International Scientific Centre for Organism Extreme States Research,Presidium of the Krasnoyarsk Scientific Centre of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

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