Издатель: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc.
Cunillera-Montcusí D.(Freshwater Ecology,Hydrology and Management Group (FEHM),Section of Ecology,Department of Evolutionary Biology,Ecology and Environmental Sciences,University of Barcelona)
Ptacnik R.(WasserCluster Lunz - Biologische Station GmbH)
Beklioğlu M.(Limnology Laboratory,Department of Biological Sciences and Centre for Ecosystem Research and Implementation,Middle East Technical University)
Jeppesen E.(Institute of Marine Sciences,Middle East Technical University)
Amorim C.A.(Limnology Laboratory,Department of Biological Sciences and Centre for Ecosystem Research and Implementation,Middle East Technical University)
Cañedo-Argüelles M.(Serra Húnter Fellow,Freshwater Ecology,Hydrology and Management group (FEHM),Departament de Biologia Evolutiva,Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals,Institut de Recerca de l'Aigua (IdRA),Universitat de Barcelona)
Arnott S.E.(Department of Biology,Queen's University)
Berger S.A.(Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB),Department of Plankton and Microbial Ecology)
Nejstgaard J.C.(Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB),Department of Plankton and Microbial Ecology)
Brucet S.(Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA))
Dugan H.A.(Center for Limnology,University of Wisconsin—Madison)
Gerhard M.(Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM),Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg)
Striebel M.(Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM),Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg)
Horváth Z.(Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology,Evolution and Conservation,KU Leuven)
Vad C.F.(Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology,Evolution and Conservation,KU Leuven)
Langenheder S.(Department of Ecology and Genetics/Erken Laboratory,Uppsala University)