Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies; Spain; Spain
Год издания: 2021
Ключевые слова: education, far North, Russian district, network interaction model
Аннотация: The work is a comprehensive study of the current education system of the Yenisei District, Krasnoyarskiy Krai, Russia. Creating a sound education system – that is the key element in the process of a new collaborative economy formation. The research focuses on the state of regional preschool and general education. The Yenisei DistriПоказать полностьюct is one of the Far North areas and includes 65 settlements with the population of 22 599 people (as 2019 reports); there are 13 preschool educational and 14 general education institutions (excluding the branches and primary schools). The research is carried out through the field integrated methods detailed by in-depth interviews with the regional education leaders, and school directors, as well as analyzing the annual reports and other documents provided by the education departments, and organizations, and assessing the facilities. By examining the services, it has been revealed that there is only 76.1% of facilities are satisfactory and meet the official requirements; there is also a shortage of space for educational activities; the schools, kindergartens, and extended education lack a sufficient learning and teaching tool-base. It is revealed, that, in the District, the number of children who attend preschool educational institutions is decreasing, as the number of pre-teen children living in the settlements is falling. In 2019, 2 989 children were admitted for the basic general education; educational opportunities and career choices are very limited; regional educational institutions are implementing the network interaction models; the system of extended education for children is available for not more than 68.2% of all schoolchildren. A major challenge for the District's education system is a possibility to build a digital educational environment that ensures a high quality and accessibility of education in general; support for orphans; development of secondary vocational and extended education; teaching staff rotation. It is also necessary to mention about dangerously poor state of some facilities operating in the Far North. This work introduces some detailed proposals for improving the education system of the Yenisei District.
Журнал: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Номера страниц: 866-871
Издатель: IATED