Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2021
Идентификатор DOI: 10.31857/S102694520017273-1
Ключевые слова: specialized court for environmental protection, procedure for protecting public interests in the field of environmental protection, Protection of Environmental Rights, environmental justice reform, экологические права, специализированный суд по охране окружающей среды, порядок защиты общественных интересов в сфере охраны окружающей среды, реформа экологического правосудия
Аннотация: В настоящей статье исследуется судебный порядок защиты прав граждан и общественных интересов в сфере охраны окружающей среды в Китайской Народной Республике. Авторы статьи провели анализ нормативных правовых актов Китая, регламентирующих деятельность специализированных судов по охране окружающей среды. В процессе проведения исследоПоказать полностьювания выявлены особенности создания таких судов, а также представлен анализ судебной практики по рассмотрению споров в сфере охраны окружающей среды. Кроме того, в работе показано, что только общественные организации и органы прокуратуры уполномочены подавать в специализированные суды по охране окружающей среды иски в защиту общественных интересов в сфере охраны окружающей среды. В то время как обращения в них граждан действующим законодательством не предусмотрено, поскольку защита экологических прав каждого осуществляется в общем порядке путем обращения в народные суды Китайской Народной Республики. В результате исследования авторы пришли к выводу, что реформирование экологического правосудия в Китае продолжается в направлении правовой регламентации деятельности специализированных судов по охране окружающей среды. При этом китайский опыт защиты публичных интересов в сфере охраны окружающей среды общественными организациями или органами прокуратуры в экологических судах свидетельствует о повышении качества правосудия в рассмотрении такой категории дел, поскольку решения принимают судьи, обладающие специальными познаниями в этой сфере. This article examines the judicial procedure for protecting the rights of citizens and public interests in the field of environmental protection in the People's Republic of China. The author analyzed the regulatory legal acts of China that regulate the activities of specialized courts for environmental protection. In the course of the research, the features of the creation of such courts are revealed, as well as the analysis of judicial practice on the consideration of disputes in the field of environmental protection is presented. Besides, it is established that only public organizations and prosecutor's offices are authorized to file lawsuits in the specialized courts for environmental protection in defense of public interests in the field of environmental protection. At the same time, the current legislation does not provide for citizens to apply to them, since everyone's environmental rights are generally protected by applying to the people's courts of the People's Republic of China. As a result of the research, the author came to the conclusion that the reform of environmental justice in China continues in the direction of legal regulation of the activities of specialized courts for environmental protection. At the same time, the chinese experience of protecting public interests in the field of environmental protection by public organizations or prosecutor's offices in environmental courts allows us to note an improvement in the quality of justice and progress in the consideration of this category of cases, since decisions are made by judges with special knowledge in this area. While the current legislation of China does not establish the specifics of protecting environmental rights by citizens in a General manner by applying to the people's courts of the People's Republic of China. This article examines the judicial procedure for protecting the rights of citizens and public interests in the field of environmental protection in the People's Republic of China. The author analyzed the regulatory legal acts of China that regulate the activities of specialized courts for environmental protection. In the course of the research, the features of the creation of such courts are revealed, as well as the analysis of judicial practice on the consideration of disputes in the field of environmental protection is presented. Besides, it is established that only public organizations and prosecutor's offices are authorized to file lawsuits in the specialized courts for environmental protection in defense of public interests in the field of environmental protection. At the same time, the current legislation does not provide for citizens to apply to them, since everyone's environmental rights are generally protected by applying to the people's courts of the People's Republic of China. As a result of the research, the author came to the conclusion that the reform of environmental justice in China continues in the direction of legal regulation of the activities of specialized courts for environmental protection. At the same time, the chinese experience of protecting public interests in the field of environmental protection by public organizations or prosecutor's offices in environmental courts allows us to note an improvement in the quality of justice and progress in the consideration of this category of cases, since decisions are made by judges with special knowledge in this area. While the current legislation of China does not establish the specifics of protecting environmental rights by citizens in a General manner by applying to the people's courts of the People's Republic of China. © 2021 N. I. Khludeneva1.
Журнал: Государство и право
Выпуск журнала: № 10
Номера страниц: 198-204
ISSN журнала: 10269452
Место издания: Москва
Издатель: Институт государства и права РАН, Российская академия наук