Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: II International Conference on Economic and Social Trends for Sustainability of Modern Society; Krasnoyarsk; Krasnoyarsk
Год издания: 2021
Идентификатор DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2021.09.02.42
Ключевые слова: learning to solve computational problems, structural-mental schemes, computational primitives, "white box" model
Аннотация: Learning to solve computational problems both at school and at the university is the most important component of the educational process in any exact discipline. In the context of the digital transformation of education, the issues of automating the process of organizing personalized independent work of students to solve problems aПоказать полностьюre becoming relevant. In this regard, the work aimed to substantiate and experimentally test an approach to formalizing the process of teaching students to solve computational problems. The main idea of the research is to create an automated interactive software environment developed based on structural and mental schemes and the "white box" model. To increase the effectiveness of independent learning using this environment, elements of gamification are used, visualization of the dynamics of the formation of the ability to solve problems using the forgetting factor and the A. Elo rating. Experimental testing of the created tool in the real educational process allowed us to evaluate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed approach to automating the process of teaching students to solve computational problems. The use of problem-based structural-mental schemes allows you to create software training tools for many subject areas. The materials of the article are of interest to researchers in the field of the use of artificial intelligence in education.
Журнал: European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS
Выпуск журнала: Volume 116
Номера страниц: 384-396
Место издания: Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Издатель: ISO LONDON LIMITED - European Publisher