Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2021
Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/22220836/42/12
Ключевые слова: historical and cultural context, open public spaces, heritage objects, историко-культурный контекст, открытые общественные пространства, охранные зоны объектов культурного наследия
Аннотация: Выявлены и проанализированы наиболее характерные морфотипы открытых общественных пространств исторической части Красноярска, находящихся в зонах охраны объектов культурного наследия и пользующихся популярностью у горожан. На основе натурного обследования, регламентирующих документов, реализованных проектов по реконструкции и благоуПоказать полностьюстройству, различных методических подходов сформулированы принципы формирования открытых общественных пространств в зоне влияния объектов культурного наследия с целью сохранения культурной и исторической идентичности поселения. The authors consider the problem of formation of open public spaces within areas affected by the influence of cultural heritage sites. The focus here is on the historical center of Krasnoyarsk city. Relevance of the research is determined, on the one hand, by the current trend for the formation of comfortable urban environment in public open spaces. On the other hand, by the appearance of numerous implemented projects, including those in Krasnoyarsk, which have identical functional and objective content, detached from the cultural and historical context of the environment. The analysis of the “Map of areas with special land use requirements related to the protection of cultural heritage objects” in the historic center of Krasnoyarsk revealed the following characteristic morphotypes of public open spaces (genesis types) within cultural heritage areas: territory adjacent to a single cultural heritage object (protection zone of a cultural heritage object), which is part of the street; territory adjacent to a single cultural heritage object (protection zone of a cultural heritage object), which is inside the development area (yard, courtyard garden, manor house); a street formed by the facades of several cultural heritage objects on one or both sides; a square or a garden square, which is part of the architectural ensemble - an object of cultural heritage; the territory of the quarter formed by a group of cultural heritage objects, and which is a cultural heritage protection zone; a park or square within the protected historic green space. Each type is analyzed using examples, survey of protection zones of cultural heritage, the established urban planning regulations within their boundaries regarding the availability of requirements for the improvement of public open spaces. The authors touch upon the problems of landmark attractions, preservation of identity in the historical and cultural environment of the settlement. They also formulate the principles of public open space formation within influence areas of cultural heritage objects on the basis of various methodological approaches approved by the Department of Urban Planning within the School of Architecture and Design of the Siberian Federal University.
Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета. Культурология и искусствоведение
Выпуск журнала: № 42
Номера страниц: 135-157
ISSN журнала: 22220836
Место издания: Томск
Издатель: Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет