Послепожарные изменения сезонно-талого слоя в условиях криолитозоны Сибири по данным мониторинга и численного моделирования : доклад, тезисы доклада


Перевод названия: Post-fire changes of the seasonally thawed layer in the permafrost zone of Siberia according to monitoring and numerical simulation

Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Конференция: Экологическая, промышленная и энергетическая безопасность - 2020; Севастополь; Севастополь

Год издания: 2020

Аннотация: Up to 20% of larch forests of the permafrost zone (62-66N, 96-107E) were damaged by wildfires during 2000-2019. The main aim of this study is to perform a quantitative analysis of thermal anomalies in fire-damaged plots and to estimate its impact on the seasonally thawed layer (STL). Post-fire surface temperature anomalies remainedПоказать полностьюsignificant longer than 15-20 years under the conditions of vegetation cover restoration. To estimate the impact of thermal anomalies on the permafrost soil and seasonally thawed layer, heat transfer, freezing, and thawing processes were numerically simulated using a two-dimensional mathematical model for extreme cases of soil conditions (dry soil and water-saturated soil) and for soil with non-homogeneous water content. According to the results of numerical simulation, the thickness of the seasonally thawed layer could show a 30-50% increase compared to the statistical norm for larch stands. Our findings showed the all-year-round impact of thermal anomalies on thermal regime. Thus, at spring and at autumn, fire-damaged soils were warmer at root layer of soil (0.05-0.20 m) compared to non-disturbed soils. The slow rate of loss of surface temperature anomalies lets us consider this factor as one of the most significant for the state of the permafrost soils and STL in particular.

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Журнал: Экологическая, промышленная и энергетическая безопасность - 2020

Номера страниц: 445-450

Место издания: Севастополь

Издатель: Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Севастопольский государственный университет"


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