Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2021
Идентификатор DOI: 10.26516/2073-3372.2021.35.34
Ключевые слова: wood-destroying fungi, ecology, trophic specialization, nature reserve, anthropogenic impact, дереворазрушающие грибы, экология, заповедник, трофическая специализация, антропогенное воздействие
Аннотация: Представлены результаты исследования некоторых аспектов экологии широко распространённых эвритрофных дереворазрушающих грибов: трутовика настоящего <i>Fomes fomentarius</i> (L.) Fr. и трутовика окаймлённого <i>Fomitopsis pinicola</i> (Sw.) P. Karst. на примере зелёных насаждений г. Красноярска и его окрестностей, включая территориюПоказать полностьюнационального парка «Красноярские Столбы». Выполнен сравнительный анализ зависимости встречаемости, спектров трофических предпочтений и степени паразитической активности обоих видов от уровня антропогенного воздействия, оказываемого на экосистемы района, в котором расположены заселённые ими древостои. This paper is devoted to the review of the environmental and trophic characteristic features of eurytrophic wood-destroying fungi in Krasnoyarsk and its nearest suburbs in habitat conditions with various anthropogenic loads. The research covered forest stand within the green areas of the city (including islands of the Yenisei River), forest areas at the outskirts of the city and in «Stolby» state nature reserve. The research included two species of tinder fungus widely spread in the Northern hemisphere: <i>Fomes fomentarius</i> (L.) Fr. (confined to various hardwoods, mostly birch) and <i>Fomitopsis pinicola</i> (Sw.) P. Karst. (confined to trees of various species). Both species of fungi are facultative parasites. The research showed that these species of fungi use quite a restricted set of host substrates showing a pretty narrow range of trophic preferences, despite the presence of numerous species of trees suitable for them at the surveyed area. F. fomentarius uses birch, poplar and aspen as a substrate within the researched area. It is very rarely found at other wood species. The trophic range of the highly eurytrophic speciesF. pinicola is represented here mostly by a few coniferous species, such as pine, fir and spruce tree. This fungus is present at birch trees and aspen much more rarely. These species of tinder fungi were not found at other wood species of the surveyed area. F. fomentarius is very often found at birches in the areas with minimal anthropogenic load (in «Stolby» nature reserve) and becomes less numerous with the increasing anthropogenic load. The situation is the contrary with poplar: F. fomentarius is rarely found at poplar in the areas with low or medium anthropogenic load, but often destroys poplar wood in the areas with the increased anthropogenic load (within the green space of urban areas). Moreover, F. fomentarius is often found in park-lands, rather than along the roadside lanes. F. pinicola is typical for ecosystems with low anthropogenic load and prefers coniferous wood species. It is mostly found in ecosystems of “Stolby” natural reserve, mainly on fir and pine species.
Журнал: Известия Иркутского государственного университета. Серия: Биология. Экология
Выпуск журнала: Т. 35
Номера страниц: 34-50
ISSN журнала: 20733372
Место издания: Иркутск
Издатель: Иркутский государственный университет