Procedure for testing infiltration property of pitches


Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Год издания: 2005

Ключевые слова: Coke, Pitch, Pitch Coke Wetting, Heat-up rates, Pitch interaction, Pitches, Process parameters, Adhesion, Agglomeration, Granular materials, Infiltration, Surface roughness, Testing, Wetting, Coal tar

Аннотация: A simple test procedure was developed for testing pitch infiltration (pitch wetting) in to the coke, which is based on using pitch preformed specifically made for the tests. The test procedure avoids some of the issues with existing pitch wetting procedures related to the time consumed in the test, degree of variation of test resulПоказать полностьюts and sensitivity to even minor changes in the experimental lay-out. The test procedure looks for the coefficient of pitch infiltration which is not dependent on such factors as the mass of pitch or coke, the shape or size of the pitch or coke and it eliminates the influence of the test container material with the coke and pitch placed for experiments. The procedure is highly sensitive to changes in the pitch properties and the resultant rate of pitch infiltration into the coke is independent of the coke and pitch properties.

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Журнал: TMS Light Metals

Номера страниц: 629-633


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