Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: International Conference on Economic and Social Trends for Sustainability of Modern Society; Krasnoyarsk; Krasnoyarsk
Год издания: 2020
Идентификатор DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2020.10.03.175
Ключевые слова: terminology database, interdisciplinary communication, interdisciplinary approach, professional education
Аннотация: In this article the multidimensionality of the problem of developing a database of educational and professional knowledge is considered on the example of the professional sphere of commodity science. In achieving goals, on the one hand, we were guided by the need to create a logical framework of professionally-oriented knowledge, aПоказать полностьюs concentrated as possible in the form of terms. The framework formed taking into account interdisciplinary relations with related professional fields and with general educational disciplines allows effectively implementing the knowledge gained at the university in practical activities, as well as in the transfer and development of professionally significant information in the educational process. Such a multifunctional construct is the database in MS ACCESS “Terms and concepts of the professional field”. The created database is conceived as the result of both technical and educational design, which raises the question of updating the methods and ways of its formation. The involvement of the student in the process of developing and updating terminological databases in the educational process is aimed at achieving the educational goals of vocational-oriented education based on an interdisciplinary approach, at introducing the student to the professional sphere during the training process, to the realities of the digital economy, the terminological, conceptual and other databases.
Журнал: European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS
Выпуск журнала: 90
Номера страниц: 1514-1525
Место издания: Krasnoyarsk
Издатель: European Proceedings