A Student's E-Learning Self-Control Method Based On A Topological Knowledge Tree : доклад, тезисы доклада


Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Конференция: International Conference on Economic and Social Trends for Sustainability of Modern Society; Krasnoyarsk; Krasnoyarsk

Год издания: 2020

Идентификатор DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2020.10.03.120

Ключевые слова: learning self-control, learning self-management, a topological question- task knowledge tree

Аннотация: Improving the quality of self-educational activity of trainees using e-learning is currently extremely topical. The performance of independent work of the student is largely dependent on consistency, continuity, and perfection of educational-cognitive activity. High motivation and self-organization of this activity largely depends Показать полностьюon self-government and self-control of the learner. In this context, the aim of this work was to develop and justify a method of student self-control by creating an "upside-down" information resources, which visualizes the process of learning and takes into account the characteristics of Z generation. The basis of the proposed method is a topological question- task knowledge tree of the subject area with regulatory tasks or tests. For each question there is a response in the form of concept maps with the necessary educational review, and for the task - an explanation of its decision. With the positive outcome the corresponding elements of the knowledge tree are painted with a certain colour that visually defines the amount and the dynamics of the subject area material studied. The proposed method of the visualized self-learning process will significantly improve the effectiveness of self-educational activity of the student, question- task format of the inverted electronic resources will provide motivation for learning effectiveness.

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Журнал: European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS

Выпуск журнала: 90

Номера страниц: 1039-1050

Место издания: Krasnoyarsk

Издатель: European Proceedings


  • Barkhatova D.A. (Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical university named after V.P. Astafyev)
  • Balykbaev T.O. (Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University)
  • Pak N.I. (Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical university named after V.P. Astafyev)
  • Khegay L.B. (Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical university named after V.P. Astafyev)

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