Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: The 12th International CDIO Conference; Turku, Finland; Turku, Finland
Год издания: 2016
Ключевые слова: module, curriculum, metallurgy, Introduction to Engineering, Standards: 2, 3, 4
Аннотация: The paper shares the experience of Siberian Federal University (SibFU) in designing and implementation of the modular curriculum for Metallurgy. Based on the backward design concept, which allows planning of the education starting from learning outcomes through learning techniques to the content of education, particular curriculum Показать полностьюmodules are defined. The modules cover broad educational fields in order to achieve integrated learning outcomes. The proposed model allows clear structuring of the learning content and various learning methods integration. The paper emphasizes the structure of the modular curriculum and specific learning outcomes that in total facilitates students' engineering thinking and professional skills. The learning outcomes of the modules are formed in in compliance with Russian Federal Educational Standards, CDIO Syllabus, and the requirements of the University industrial partners. The paper exemplifies the implementation of "Introduction to Engineering" Module which is innovative for "Metallurgy" programme: focused on soft-skills training. The results of the implementation of CDIO-based "Metallurgy" programme during the first year of CDIO initiative at SibFU are described. The analysis shows the improvement of learning process and outcome control due to the flexibility of modular curriculum design. Moreover, the proposed educational approach enables comprehensive learning and human resources administration such as modules arrangement and teaching staff mobility.
Журнал: The 12th International CDIO Conference
Номера страниц: 250-256
Издатель: Turku University of Applied Sciences