Перевод названия: Experimental investigation radiofrequency properties by microwaves of diamond-graphite mixture created by detonation synthesis
Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2017
Ключевые слова: алмазо-графитовый нанопорошок, наноалмазы, углеграфит, отражение, поглощение, diamond, graphite, mixture, reflection, absorption
Аннотация: Проведено измерение радиочастотных свойств алмазо-графитового нанопорошка детонационного синтеза в диапазоне от 4,7 до 8,7 ГГц. Выявлена зависимость между объемом алмазо-графитового нанопорошка и коэффициентами отражения и поглощения электромагнитных волн. Выполнено сравнение коэффициентов отражения и поглощения алмазо-графитового Показать полностьюнанопорошка и его чистых компонентов - алмазной и графитовой фракций. In this paper, we investigate the radio-absorbing characteristics of a diamond-graphite powder of detonation synthesis. To obtain the reflection and transmission coefficients, the magnitude of the voltage transfer coefficient was measured | K U| And the magnitude of the standing wave voltage coefficient (VSWR) from the input of the material under study. The measurements were carried out using an installation based on an automatic VSWR meter and Y2-P67 type attenuations, which allowed estimating the change in |KU| And VSWR, and sweep generators GKCH-61 of the device P2-54/1 in the frequency range 3.2-5.6 GHz and GKCH-61 device P2-54/2 in the frequency range 5.6-8.7 GHz for the sample with a nanopowder relative to an empty waveguide. For comparison of diamond-graphite powder with other materials, its analogs of its pure components were taken in the form of carbon graphite of grade P803 and purified nanodiamonds of detonation synthesis. All powders were alternately placed in a paper container and placed in a waveguide section of 15x35 mm. The choice of such a waveguide provides a good filling of the container volume, however, measurements can be made only from 4.5 GHz (lower cutoff by a waveguide). Comparisons of the diamond-graphite nanopowder of detonation synthesis with the components were performed at a volume of 9 cm3. To study the dynamics of the change in the average absorption over this range from the amount of powder, a series of experiments was carried out from 3 to 15 cm3 of diamond-graphite nanopowder in steps of 3 cm3. All the obtained data and dependencies are reflected in the results of the article.
Журнал: Нанотехнологии: разработка, применение - XXI век
Выпуск журнала: Т. 9, № 3
Номера страниц: 12-17
ISSN журнала: 22250980
Место издания: Москва
Издатель: Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника