Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2015
Идентификатор DOI: 10.1134/S1063785015050193
Аннотация: A microstrip bandpass filter of new design based on original resonators with an interdigital structure of conductors has been studied. The proposed filters of third to sixth order are distinguished for their high frequency-selective properties and much smaller size than analogs. It is established that a broad stop band, extending uПоказать полностьюp to a sixfold central bandpass frequency, is determined by low unloaded Q of higher resonance mode and weak coupling of resonators in the pass band. It is shown for the first time that, as the spacing of interdigital stripe conductors decreases, the Q of higher resonance mode monotonically drops, while the Q value for the first operating mode remains high. A prototype fourth-order filter with a central frequency of 0.9 GHz manufactured on a ceramic substrate with dielectric permittivity E > = 80 has microstrip topology dimensions of 9.5 x 4.6 x 1 mm(3). The electrodynamic 3D model simulations of the filter characteristics agree well with the results of measurements.
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 41, Is. 5
Номера страниц: 504-507
ISSN журнала: 10637850
Место издания: NEW YORK