Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2020
Ключевые слова: folk art crafts, centers and houses of crafts, folk traditional culture, Krasnoyarsk territory
Аннотация: The article analyzes the conditions for the preservation of folk art crafts in the Krasnoyarsk territory, provides an overview of institutions focused on the problems of studying, preserving and restoring traditions of craft culture: centers of folk traditional culture, centers and houses of crafts, museums. On the basis of socioloПоказать полностьюgical analysis, the current state of the problem of preserving and developing folk art crafts in the Krasnoyarsk territory is revealed.
Журнал: Science and Society
Выпуск журнала: № 2
Номера страниц: 139-145
Место издания: London
Издатель: Sukhadolets T.V.