The task of determining the actual routes in the traffic control system using satellite navigation : доклад, тезисы доклада


Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Конференция: International Workshop on Advanced Technologies in Material Science, Mechanical and Automation Engineering - MIP: Engineering-2019; Krasnoyarsk; Krasnoyarsk

Год издания: 2019

Аннотация: The paper deals with the task of determining the actual traffic routes based on the data of the global satellite navigation system during the dispatching control of road transport. The actual route through the transport network is an ordered set of traffic control points passed. The fixation of control points of the route in the prПоказать полностьюocessing of satellite navigation data is carried out by means of two radii: the radius of detection and the radius of positioning. The paper proposes a method for processing satellite navigation data, consisting of two stages: first, pre-processing and, second, calculating the parameters of the system states defined by the dispatch control tasks. The state of the system controlled by the traffic dispatcher system is described.

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Журнал: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Выпуск журнала: 537

Номера страниц: 022043

Издатель: Institute of Physics Publishing


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