Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2019
Ключевые слова: Waldsteinia ternata, Waldsteinia tanzybeica, неморальный реликт, распространение видов, южная Сибирь, Западный Саян, nemoral relict species, species distribution, southern Siberia, Western Sayan Mts., Waldsteinia tanzyrbeica, Waldsteinia temata, Western Sayan Mts
Аннотация: Вальдштейния тройчатая (Waldsteinia ternata (Steph.) Fritsch), представитель небольшого рода семейства розоцветных (Rosaceae), имеет евразиатский сильно фрагментированный ареал с классическим местонахождением на хр. Хамар-Дабан. В предгорьях Западного Саяна известно четыре основных местонахождения вальдштейнии, разнесенных на 140 кПоказать полностьюм. В одном из них (р. Большой Кебеж) W. ternata описан как самостоятельный вид, узколокальный эндемик W. tanzybeica Stepanov. Три других локалитета известны по старым данным. Находка Н.М. Мартьянова 1882 г. в окрестностях с. Бейское до сих пор не повторена, а его сборы, по-видимому, утеряны. Указание W. ternata В. Л. Черепниным для р. Калдар считалось ошибочным. Однако наши исследования в 2018 г. подтвердили находку, известную до сих пор только по сборам 1960 г. Местонахождение вальдштейнии на р. Листвянка принадлежит W. ternata, а не W. tanzybeica, как считалось ранее. Учитывая почти сплошное распространение вальдштейнии вдоль северных предгорий хр. Хамар-Дабан (Восточная Сибирь), сделано предположение, что на промежутке между крайними местонахождениями на северном макросклоне Западного Саяна возможно нахождение новых популяций этих неморальных реликтовых видов. Waldsteinia ternata (Steph.) Fritsch belongs to a small genus of Rosaceae and has a wide Eurasian but strongly fragmented distribution range. There are four localities of Waldsteinia known on foothills of the Western Sayan Mts. The plants from the Bolshoy Kebezh Rivers were described as a local endemic species W. tanzybeica Stepanov closely related to W. ternata. Three other localities are known from old data. The first one, in the environs of Beyskoye village, was found by N.M. Martyanov in 1882. Since that time, the finding was not been repeated and the herbarium was apparently lost. The third locality (on the Malyy Kaldar River) was cited by V.L. Cherepnin but considered erroneous until recently. However, our searches in 2018 were successful and the locality on the Malyy Kaldar has been confirmed. The locality from the Listvyanka River was formerly referred to W. tanzybeica, but in fact is that of W. ternata. Taking into account the continuous distribution of Waldsteina along the foothills of the Khamar-Daban Range in Eastern Siberia, we suggest of high probability to find other populations of these two nemoral relict species in the Western Sayan Mts. within the area between known localities. Waldsteinia ternata (Steph.) Fritsch belongs to a small genus of Rosaceae and has a wide Eurasian but strongly fragmented distribution range. There are four localities of Waldsteinia known on foothills of the Western Sayan Mts. The plants from the Bolshoy Kebezh Rivers were described as a local endemic species W. tanzybeica Stepanov closely related to W. temata. Three other localities are known from old data. The first one, in the environs of Beyskoye village, was found by N.M. Martyanov in 1882. Since that time, the finding was not been repeated and the herbarium was apparently lost. The third locality (on the Malyy Kaldar River) was cited by V.L. Cherepnin but considered erroneous until recently. However, our searches in 2018 were successful and the locality on the Malyy Kaldar has been confirmed. The locality from the Listvyanka River was formerly referred to W tanzybeica, but in fact is that of W. temata. Taking into account the continuous distribution of Waldsteina along the foothills of the Khamar-Daban Range in Eastern Siberia, we suggest of high probability to find other populations of these two nemoral relict species in the Western Sayan Mts. within the area between known localities. © 2019, Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Журнал: Ботанический журнал
Выпуск журнала: Т. 104, № 8
Номера страниц: 1203-1210
ISSN журнала: 00068136
Место издания: Санкт-Петербург - Москва
Издатель: Российская академия наук