Перевод названия: Concept of the model of the world in science
Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2011
Ключевые слова: model, modelling, metaphysics, dialectic, methodology, модель, моделирование, метафизика, диалектика, методология
Аннотация: Исследуется понятие модели мира в рамках процесса научного познания. Показано, что понятие «модель мира» является методологическим средством и применяется как в метафизической, так и в диалектической методологии науки. The topicality of the scientific concept Model of the World consists in the fact that it gives the methodological Показать полностьюorientation in searching of objects and phenomena and creates the common strategy of researching. The researchers of many different spheres of science (psychologists, sociologists, physicists, mathematicians, informational technologists, and so on) use the concept Model of the World in their scientific practice. But they use the concept as a methodological device as it necessary for them. So, there are authors who use the concept Model of the World as an artificial construction of a new reality, others - as an objective reflection of the existent reality. The article is about the features of using the concept Model of the World in different spheres of science. It is explained how it is used in the humanities (philosophy, sociology, psychology, logic), in the applied spheres of science (mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry). So, the broad application of the concept Model of the World is shown. In the article approaches are differentiated to using the concept Model of the World. It is proved that the model can be used as a construction of a new reality and also as an objective reflection of the existing reality. The article includes different definitions of the concept Model of the World, which belong to researchers of different spheres of science. So, the concept is defined as the virtual shape of environment, the card of reality, the object, which copies features of another object, an abstract system of calculative equalizations and formula, an aggregate of probabilities of existence of some versions of development of natural evolutionary process, accumulation of life experience and using it in real life, an all-embracing dynamical system of ideas, a complicated system of relations between man and environment and also the wholeness and unity of the World on the biological level. In the article the main principles and functions of models are exposed of the theory of cognition, their main ways of building, gnoseological and methodological meanings. So, there exist the main functions of the model of the world. First of all, it is the source of hypotheses. Second, it forms the humans personality. Third, the model determines the humans valuables. Fourth, it accumulates ideas and schemes in the humans consciousness. At last, it plans activities of the person. So, the Model of the World is an all-embracing concept. It forms with substantial characteristics of the world, which express the topical qualities of historical traditions of scientific cognition. The concept is a methodological device used in two opposite theoretical systems: metaphysical and dialectical. Within metaphysical methodology the Model of the World is an abstract and formalized system, which helps to research and explain real life processes. Within dialectical methodology the Model of the World is an aggregate of knowledge about the World acquired and accumulated by social experience.
Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета
Выпуск журнала: № 353
Номера страниц: 55-58
ISSN журнала: 15617793
Место издания: Томск
Издатель: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет