Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: Алюминий Сибири; Золото Сибири; Металлургия цветных, благородных и редких металлов; Красноярск; Красноярск
Год издания: 2018
Ключевые слова: fluid inclusions, ore-forming and magmatic fluids, Au-Mo porphyry deposits, Eastern Transbaikalia
Аннотация: A comparison of the parameters of ore-forming fluids with the parameters of magmatic fluids can provide additional arguments in favor of the presence of a direct genetic link between Au and Mo mineralization of a close age with different phases of ore-bearing Mesozoic magmatism of the Eastern Transbaikal. This will indicate the likПоказать полностьюely levels of generation of ore-forming magmatic fluids that participated in the formation of Au and Mo mineralization. Such information can be an important contribution to an adequate representation and understanding of the cause-effect relationships of the whole set of endogenous processes occurring during the development of porphyry ore-magmatic systems within the gold-molybdenum belt of the Eastern Transbaikalia and leading to the formation of Au-ore and Mo-porphyry deposits in its limits. The study of fluid inclusions showed that the molybdenite mineralization of the Davenda and Aleksandrovsky deposits was formed from high-temperature heterophase fluids that had a Na-K-Fe carbonate-chloride composition. Molybdenum mineralization of the Aleksandrovsky field was formed under conditions of low pressure (0.15 kbar), in contrast to the ore veins of the Davenda deposit (up to 3.2 kbar). This makes it possible to consider the molybdenum mineralization of the Aleksandrovsky deposit as a peripheral facies of Mo mineralization, which was formed at insignificant depth. The close composition of the salt components of the ore-forming fluids that took part in the formation of Mo mineralization, as well as the great similarity of these ore-forming fluids with the magmatic fluids of granite-porphyries and hybrid porphyry, underscore the genetic identity of Mo mineralization in both deposits. Gold-pyrite-quartz veins of the Aleksandrovsky deposit were formed with the participation of heterophase Na-K-Fe carbonate-chloride fluids, in a salt composition analogous to ore-forming Mo-mineralization fluids, as well as homogeneous Ca-Na chloride fluids, which show a great similarity in composition of basic salt components with magmatic fluids of microdiorites, diorites and diorite porphyries of the Amudzhikano-Shakhtamsky complex. The formation of Mo-porphyry and conjugated Au-sulfide mineralization on the example of the Davenda and Aleksandrovskoye deposits presupposes the close or simultaneous existence of relatively autonomous foci of granitoid and basaltoid magmas. This is consistent with the temporal sequence of formation of the Amudzhikano-Shakhtaminsky rocks, with which the formation of Au-mineralization and Mo-porphyry mineralization is associated. The presence of granite-porphyry dykes, diorites, lamprophyres, combined dikes, as well as hybrid dike rocks, in the formation of which is associated with the mixing of magmatic melts of different composition in the Amudzhikano-Shakhtamsky complex, indicates close or simultaneous functioning of the autonomous foci of granitoid and basaltoid magmas during ore formation. Signs of mixing of mantle alkaline-basite and crustal porphyritic granitoid magmas are reliably established in the study of porphyry dikes in Cu-Mo deposits of ore formation. According to our data, ore-forming liquids inherit the basic salt composition of primary metallic magmatic liquids. This confirms the widely held view that there is a genetic link between gold mineralization and middle and major dams and molybdenum-porphyry mineralization with granite porphyries and dikes of hybrid rocks of the Amudzhikano-Shakhtamsky complex in the Eastern Transbaikalia.
Номера страниц: 1143-1146
Место издания: Красноярск
Издатель: Научно-инновационный центр