Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2018
Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/15617793/437/20
Ключевые слова: 1917 г., съезд народов, этническая мобилизация, проекты модернизации, федерализм, Congress of Peoples, ethnic mobilization, modernization projects, federalism, 1917
Аннотация: Рассматривается обсуждение вопросов государственного устройства России на Съезде народов в сентябре 1917 г. в Киеве. Это собрание представлено как форум этнических элит, выступающих за федерализацию страны с позиции диалога с Временным правительством; анализируются причины, которые в 1917 г. предопределили невостребованность идеи вПоказать полностьюрамках процесса модернизации. Исследование основано на архивных, мемуарных источниках, материалах газет. The aim of this research is to study the role of ethnic elites in the political discourse of 1917 on the problems of the Russian state structure transformation. The research objectives are connected with the analysis of the Congress of the Peoples of Russia in Kiev in September 1917 and the stages of evolution of the views of national leaders (such as M. Hrushevsky, Zeki Velidi Togan and others) on the issues of reforming the multiethnic country's state structure. The author used materials of the Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine (the Central Rada Fund), memoirs of politicians of those years and newspaper materials. The article analyzes in detail the course of work of the congress in Kiev, membership of representatives (emphasizing the participation of a female Tatar Committee), the topics discussed at the congress, its resolutions. The author pointed out that the unifying principle for the congress participants was the requirement of federalization, but, at the same time, during the congress there arose a controversy on the problems of self-determination (in particular, federalization or complete independence for Lithuania, Po-lanld; the issue of establishing an independent Jewish state; forms of self-government for dispersed peoples, etc.). Also it has been found that the delegates understood the meaning of the federation in different ways. As a result of the research, the author came to the following conclusions. Representatives of ethnic elites of the multinational country actively offered federal projects of cooperation with the center, instead of attending to wait for the Constituent Assembly. The Congress of the Peoples of Russia in Kiev demonstrated the emergence of a new force in the political stage - unification of non-state peoples requiring federalization. It gave an opportunity to endorse a program of concerted actions and did not exclude its implementation, especially at the expected Constituent Assembly. The author emphasized that according to the adopted resolutions, the federation within the framework of the country's reform was meant to become a means of its unification, and autonomy was to be a form of a national life arrangement within the region (national territorial autonomy). The author summarized that the Congress of the Peoples in 1917 executed the project of horizontal links among the ethnoses of the multinational Russian state and their political and public associations. The project reflected the dialogue position of the majority of the country's ethnic elites towards the central government in the period until October 1917. The author emphasized the importance of the idea of the congress on the protection of the rights of national minorities and extraterritorial peoples by means of the construction of a national personal (extraterritorial) autonomy. However, the author stressed that the potential of the Congress of the Peoples was not realized; by analyzing considerations, the author came to a conclusion that this happened due to the lack of support from the Provisional Government and the centralist position of a significant part of Russian democracy. The time of its holding also proved to be an important factor - with its project of modernization of the country the Congress was late and was ultimately only a “tribute to the national romance”. In September 1917, the central Russian government itself was in crisis: the issue of its existence was put on the agenda. The author also focused on the significance of the Congress in Kiev: she demonstrated the unconditional desire of the peoples of Russia to reorganize the country on a federative basis in the period before the Bolsheviks came to power. The aim of this research is to study the role of ethnic elites in the political discourse of 1917 on the problems of the Russian state structure transformation. The research objectives are connected with the analysis of the Congress of the Peoples of Russ
Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета
Выпуск журнала: № 437
Номера страниц: 143-147
ISSN журнала: 15617793
Место издания: Томск
Издатель: Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет"