Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: Правовые проблемы укрепления российской государственности: уголовный процесс, правоохранительная деятельность и прокурорский надзор; Томск; Томск
Год издания: 2018
Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/9785946217637/34
Ключевые слова: verdict, reasonableness, special procedure, measure of criminal law, court fine, criminal misconduct, conviction, приговор, обоснованность, особый порядок, мера уголовно-правового характера, судебный штраф, уголовный проступок, судимость
Аннотация: В настоящей статье исследуется процесс становления и развития альтернативных обоснованному приговору процессуальных решений суда, посредством которых происходит разрешение уголовного дела. Отмечается, что изначально движущей силой этого процесса выступало стремление упростить уголовно-процессуальную деятельность. Впоследствии, значПоказать полностьюительную роль стала играть гуманизация уголовной репрессии, что выражается в нивелировании ее негативных последствий. This paper aims to study the process of formation and development of the procedural court decisions that serve resolution of a criminal case, while being alternative to a reasoned verdict. A reasoned verdict is a verdict in which the conclusions about the circumstances subject to proof are consistent with the body of evidence, which is achieved through comprehensive, complete and objective evidentiary process carried out at the trial stage, as well as the fixation of this consistence by recording the evidence-based trial procedure in the verdict. Initial alternatives to the reasoned verdict were decisions to terminate a case on non-exculpatory grounds, as well as a verdict regulated under Chapter 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation (CCP RF), given the consent of the accused with the accusation. These decisions are not based on a full trial and judicial investigation and, accordingly, are not reasoned in the developed understanding. Moreover, the accused person is affected by the adverse consequences of these decisions, which are similar to those of a reasoned conviction. The second stage of the search for alternatives to the reasoned verdict is characterized by the development of simplified procedures entailing sentencing without a full trial and investigation. These are the procedures provided for by Chapters 40 and 40.1 CCP RF, which equally do not give rise to the reasoned verdict. The third stage is associated with the procedure provided for by Chapter 51.1 CCP RF, which stands for the termination of a case with the imposture of another penal measure in the form of a court fine. Also this stage necessitates highlighting the legislative initiative of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (SC RF) on the introduction of a criminal misconduct institution, the proceedings of which are also carried out under Chapter 51.1 CCP RF. This stage is characterized not only by the criminal procedure formal simplification making the reasoned verdict impossible, but also by the purpose of humanizing the criminal repression. So, the termination of the case under Chapter 51.1 CCP RF entails for the accused neither a state of criminal conviction, nor other adverse consequences caused by the case termination on non-exculpatory grounds, which in many respects are of an indefinite nature. However, the disadvantages of the existing Chapter 51.1 CCP RF, as well as those of the legislative initiative of the SC RF, make the procedural decisions passed in the appropriate manner incapable of replacing the reasoned verdict, despite their positive humanistic message.
Журнал: Правовые проблемы укрепления российской государственности
Выпуск журнала: Часть 79
Номера страниц: 286-295
Издатель: Издательский Дом Томского государственного университета