Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: Правовые проблемы укрепления российской государственности: уголовный процесс, правоохранительная деятельность и прокурорский надзор; Томск; Томск
Год издания: 2018
Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/9785946217637/29
Ключевые слова: prosecutor's supervision, preliminary investigation, investigative errors, prosecutor's powers, прокурорский надзор, предварительное следствие, следственные ошибки, полномочия прокурора
Аннотация: Рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с осуществлением прокурорского надзора при проведении предварительного следствия, его эффективностью в контексте выявления, устранения и предупреждения следственных ошибок, а также предложения по расширению круга полномочий прокурора на досудебных стадиях уголовного судопроизводства. In modern conПоказать полностьюditions, judicial control, prosecutor's supervision and departmental control are considered to be ordinary criminal procedural mechanisms for identifying, eliminating and preventing investigative errors at the pre-trial stages of criminal proceedings. In recent years, prosecutor's supervision has undergone significant changes in the context of the powers of the prosecutor in the implementation of his/her procedural mission in pre-trial proceedings. For many years, starting from the Soviet period, prosecutor's supervision was the only effective mechanism of control and supervision over the observance of legality at pre-trial stages, and the prosecutor was called the "master" of the criminal procedure: the prosecution body arrested suspects and defendants; the prosecutor extended the terms of their detention and the time limits for investigating criminal cases, sanctioned searches, had his/her own investigative branch; the prosecutor could initiate criminal cases, cancel any order of the inquirer and the investigator, give them written instructions on cases under investigation, if desired, could fragmen-tarily or fully investigate any criminal case, etc. With the advent of the procedural figure of the head of the investigative department (head of the investigative body), a new control mechanism appeared - the departmental one. In the end, the national judicial reform of the 1990s formed a "control and supervisory triad": the existing control and supervisory mechanisms in the pre-trial stages -prosecutor's supervision and departmental control - were supplemented with judicial control. The question of the place of the prosecutor's office, its organizational structure and activities is far from idle for criminal proceedings. Attempts to eliminate the supervisory function of the prosecutor's office, to make it only one of the parties (the prosecution) in the criminal procedure do not correspond to the real needs of today. In the modern period, the supervisory powers of the prosecutor are expanding, and this trend is growing. Not a single state body can replace the prosecutor's office in criminal proceedings (by introducing judicial control institutions, departmental control, parliamentary ombudsman for human rights, etc.). Only the prosecutor is able to effectively and professionally ensure the constant monitoring of the execution of laws at all stages of the criminal procedure, which really makes it possible to fulfill the purpose of criminal proceedings, to promptly and quickly identify, correct and prevent both investigative and judicial errors. The conducted research examines issues related to the implementation of prosecutor's supervision during the preliminary investigation, its effectiveness in the context of eliminating investigative errors, as well as proposals for expanding the range of powers of the prosecutor at the pre-trial stages of criminal proceedings.
Журнал: Правовые проблемы укрепления российской государственности
Выпуск журнала: Часть 79
Номера страниц: 241-251
Издатель: Издательский Дом Томского государственного университета