Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: Правовые проблемы укрепления российской государственности: уголовный процесс, правоохранительная деятельность и прокурорский надзор; Томск; Томск
Год издания: 2018
Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/9785946217637/18
Ключевые слова: public model, due process model, authenticity model, proof, public interest, публичная модель, модель надлежащей правовой процедуры, модель достоверности, доказывание, общественный интерес
Аннотация: В статье рассказывается о причинах появления принципа состязательности в УПК РФ, выражается отношение автора к его закреплению. На этой основе описывается публичная модель российского процесса. Благодаря рассмотрению политического и исторического контекста ее появления заключается, что сердце этой модели - общественный интерес, треПоказать полностьюбующий установления действительно виновного лица. Обоснование такого вывода сопровождается анализом работ иностранных авторов (Kent Roach, Herbert L. Packer, Richard Vogler, Keith A. Findley, Gary Goodpaster и др.) Models of the criminal procedure as its simplified representation and as a reflection of the regularities of this activity in a particular community emerge constantly. This paper appeared as an attempt to tell about the political and historical context of the emergence of the public model of the Russian criminal procedure. The public model has its own cultural foundation combined with the features of the Russian people. Despite the fact that its foundation reflects the development of the Russian state, the legislator made an unreasonable decision to construct the Russian criminal procedure on an adversarial basis. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, a campaign began to implement the real adversarial system in the criminal procedure in Russia. "Improvement" was an attempt to introduce a "democratic" criminal procedure to the Russian criminal procedure and, as was announced, to abandon the totalitarianism of the Soviet Union. As a result, the adversariality principle appeared, and was fixed in Article 15 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. The cornerstone of the public model is in the premise that the commission of a crime affects the interest of all society, and society requires finding the real perpetrator. Therefore, it is extremely important to extract and reconstruct what really happened in the proposed criminal event. Oppositely, the aim of the participants in the adversarial system is not to find the real perpetrator, but to convince the judge, the jury through the struggle of the positions. The essence of the adversarial system is a struggle, a battle, but not the establishment of the real perpetrator. The author also argues that to understand the public model of the criminal procedure, as well as its adversarial version, it is useful to pay attention to the criminal procedure models of other states that use the adversarial system (the USA, for example), since they already indicate the experience of reflection on the adversariality, which is important for understanding its actual place in the Russian criminal procedure. After analyzing a number of works by foreign authors (Kent Roach, Herbert L. Packer, Richard Vogler, Keith A. Findley, Gary Goodpaster, and others), a conclusion is made that adversariality is unable to solve the problems for which it is implemented in the Russian procedure: countries with an adversarial system still have similar problems; adversariality did not solve them. In this study, historical, comparative legal, law-interpreting methods, deductive and inductive reasoning (Bacon's and Mill's methods), contextual definitions were used.
Журнал: Правовые проблемы укрепления российской государственности
Выпуск журнала: Часть 79
Номера страниц: 151-159
Издатель: Издательский Дом Томского государственного университета