Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2018
Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/22253513/30/2
Ключевые слова: поддержка научной деятельности, фундаментальные исследования, красноярский край, Красноярский краевой фонд науки, support of scientific activity, fundamental research, Krasnoyarsk territory, Krasnoyarsk Regional Science Foundation
Аннотация: Рассмотрены проблемные аспекты взаимодействия РФФИ и Красноярского краевого фонда науки - оператора при проведении региональных публичных конкурсов: 1) необходимость совершенствования правового регулирования поддержки научной и научно-технической деятельности; 2) необходимость синхронизации организационных и процедурных вопросов в Показать полностьючасти подготовки условий объявления о конкурсе, реализации порядка и сроков проведения конкурсных процедур, финансирования проектов-победителей, форм и сроков отчетности, а также в части разработки и реализации новых конкурсов. Problem aspects of interaction of the RFBR and Krasnoyarsk regional fund of science -the operator are considered when holding regional public competitions: 1) need of improvement of legal regulation of support of scientific and scientific and technical activity; 2) need of synchronization organizational and points of order regarding preparation of conditions of the announcement of a competition, realization of an order and terms of holding competitive procedures, financing of winner projects, forms and terms of the reporting, regarding development and realization of new competitions. From the Krasnoyarsk regional fund of science the following is offered: 1) to federal and regional funds of support of scientific, scientific and technical, innovative activity, representatives of public authorities and scientific and educational complexes of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation it is active to join in discussion of questions of improvement of standard regulation of scientific and innovative spheres; 2) for synchronization organizational and points of order to provide coordination of the announcement of regional competitions (with authorities of the territorial subject of the Russian Federation or regional scientific fund) until its publication with the purpose to consider features of the agreement and the regional legislation, formation and coordination of the tender documentation; 3) to intensify contacts of the RFBR with the regional advisory councils and faces which are engaged in the organization and support of competitive procedures. 4) concerning design of the competition of cross-disciplinary basic researches held in common by the RFBR, the Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory and the enterprises which are carrying out activity in the territory of Krasnoyarsk Territory: to provide the order of mutual settlements allowing to consider expenses of the enterprises made for implementation of projects on account of joint financing; to develop the tender documentation considering including, alienation of the exclusive rights to intellectual property in favor of the enterprises. 5) to suggest other territorial subjects of the Russian Federation to consider the possibility of the organization of interaction of the RFBR and the territorial subject of the Russian Federation including support of competitive procedures by regional scientific fund. Problem aspects of interaction of the RFBR and Krasnoyarsk regional fund of science the operator are considered when holding regional public competitions: 1) need of improvement of legal regulation of support of scientific and scientific and technical activity; 2) need of synchronization organizational and points of order regarding preparation of conditions of the announcement of a competition, realization of an order and terms of holding competitive procedures, financing of winner projects, forms and terms of the reporting, regarding development and realization of new competitions. From the Krasnoyarsk regional fund of science the following is offered: 1) to federal and regional funds of support of scientific, scientific and technical, innovative activity, representatives of public authorities and scientific and educational complexes of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation it is active to join in discussion of questions of improvement of standard regulation of scientific and innovative spheres; 2) for synchronization organizational and points of order to provide coordination of the announcement of regional competitions (with authorities of the territorial subject of the Russian Federation or regional scientific fund) until its publication with the purpose to consider features of the agreement and the regional legislation, formation and coordination of the tender documentation; 3) to intensify contacts of the RFBR with the regional advisory councils and faces which are engaged in the organization and support of competitive procedures. 4) concerning design of the competition of cross-disciplinary basic researches held in common by the RFBR, the Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory and the enterprises which are carrying out activity in the territory of Krasnoyarsk Territory: to provide the order of mutual settlements allowing to consider expenses of the enterprises made for implementation of projects on account of joint financing; to develop the tender documentation considering including, alienation of the exclusive rights to intellectual property in favor of the enterprises. 5) to suggest other territorial subjects of the Russian Federation to consider the possibility of the organization of interaction of the RFBR and the territorial subject of the Russian Federation including support of competitive procedures by regional scientific fund. Problem aspects of interaction of the RFBR and Krasnoyarsk regional fund of science the operator are considered when holding regional public competitions: 1) need of improvement of legal regulation of support of scientific and scientific and technical act Problem aspects of interaction of the RFBR and Krasnoyarsk regional fund of science the operator are considered when holding regional public competitions: 1) need of improvement of legal regulation of support of scientific and scientific and technical act
Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета. Право
Выпуск журнала: № 30
Номера страниц: 14-25
ISSN журнала: 22253513
Место издания: Томск
Издатель: Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет"