Probabilistic Modeling in System Engineering : монография


Тип публикации: монография

Год издания: 2018

Идентификатор DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.71396

Ключевые слова: systems and software engineering, probabilistic modelling and methods, risk treatment and management, quality of systems, safety and security, information security, smart systems, system of systems, modifiable systems model, probabilistic model, stochastic model, reliability growth model, software reliability model, periodic control model, periodic backup model, reliability assessment, risk analysis, risk evoluation, risk prediction, conformity assessment, compliance assessment, information security certification, quality management, vulnerability detection model, hazard, vulnerability, bug, flaw, defect, weakness, threat, attack, measures, controls, periodic checking and verification, monitoring and recovery, common criteria, information security management system, software security

Аннотация: This book is intended for systems analysts, designers, developers, users, experts, as well as those involved in quality, risk, safety and security management, and, of course, scientists and students. The various sets of original and traditional probabilistic models and interesting results of their applications to the research of diПоказать полностьюfferent systems are presented. The models are understandable and applicable for solving system engineering problems: to optimize system requirements, compare different processes, rationale technical decisions, carry out tests, adjust technological parameters, and predict and analyze quality and risks. The engineering decisions, scientifically proven by the proposed models and software tools, can provide purposeful, essential improvement of quality and mitigation of risks, and reduce the expense of operating systems. Models, methods, and software tools can also be used in education for system analysis and mathematical modeling on specializations, for example "systems engineering," "operations research," "enterprise management," "project management," "risk management," "quality of systems," "safety and security," "smart systems," "system of systems," etc.

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Место издания: London

Издатель: IntechOpen


  • Akhmetkhanov Rasim S. (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute RAS?)
  • Artemyev Vladimir (Siberian Coal Energy Company (SUEK))
  • Barabanov Alexander (NPO Echelon)
  • Berg Heinz-Peter (Bundesamt für kerntechnische Entsorgungssicherheit (BfE))
  • Chebotarev Vladimir (Computing Center of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Davydov Boris (Far Eastern State Transport University)
  • Dushkin Alexander (Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia)
  • Grigoriev Leonid (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas)
  • Goncharov Igor (NGO Infosecurity)
  • Goncharov Nikita (NGO Infosecurity)
  • Kablukova Kseniya (Computing Center of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Kanygin Petr (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation)
  • Kershenbaum Vsevolod (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas)
  • Kochedykov Sergey (Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia)
  • Lepikhin Anatoly (Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS)
  • Lisin Yuriy V. (Pipeline Transport Institute (PTI))
  • Makhutov Nikolay A. (Pipeline Transport Institute (PTI))
  • Markov Alexey (Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia)
  • Moskvichev Vladimir (Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS)
  • Nadein Vladimir A. (Oil and Gas Safety – Energodiagnostika)
  • Neganov Dmitriy A. (Pipeline Transport Institute (PTI))
  • Nistratov Andrey (Russian Energy Agency of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation)
  • Nistratov George (Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Certification (RIAMC))
  • Paramonov Nikolay (Moscow Technological University MIREA)
  • Parinov Pavel (NGO Infosecurity)
  • Reznikov Dmitry O. (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute RAS?)
  • Rodriguez C. E. Patiño (University of Antioquia)
  • Roewekamp Marina (Gesellschaft für Anlagen-und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH)
  • Rudenko Jury (Siberian Coal Energy Company (SUEK))
  • Tsirlov Valentin (NPO Echelon)
  • Kostogryzov A.A., научный редактор (Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Certification (RIAMC))

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