Indicators System Formation for the Estimation of the Innovation Stability of the Region : доклад, тезисы доклада


Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Конференция: Scanges in Social and Bisiness Environment (SISABE, 2018); Bolonqia; Bolonqia

Год издания: 2018

Ключевые слова: innovation stability of the region, estimation indicators, threshold values, innovative ecos

Аннотация: The article considers the formation of the criteria and indicators system for the innovation stability estimation at the regional level. The analysis results of the foreign experience and the current Russian practice about the innovation development estimation at the federal and regional levels wereПоказать полностьюthe theoretical basis for this study. Based on the approaches studied, the authors proposed a system of criteria and indicators to estimate the level of innovation stability of the region, their threshold values in two fields: criteria and indicators of innovation capacity, criteria and indicators system for the estimation the results of the innovation. The results of the study can be used by the regional government authorities to monitor the state of the innovation sphere in the region and also to correct the existing instruments of the implemented innovation policy. The proposed approach to the estimation the level of innovation stability can be transformed into so-called innovative ecosystems of various types ?(regional, local, corporate) taking into account the correction of the corresponding system of criteria and indi cators

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Журнал: Scanges in Social and Bisiness Environment (SISABE, 2018)

Номера страниц: 113-118

Издатель: б.и.


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