The Role of Cooperative-network Interactions in Maintaining Competition in the Local Food Market : доклад, тезисы доклада


Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Конференция: Scanges in Social and Bisiness Environment (SISABE, 2018); Bolonqia; Bolonqia

Год издания: 2018

Ключевые слова: regional food market, cooperative-network interactions, competitiveness of the food market, competition

Аннотация: This paper examines the role of cooperative-network interactions between the market participants in instruments and mechanisms for maintaining competition in the local food market. Cooperative-?network interactions are cons idered as a wide range of conditions for self-regulation of competition that allow alПоказать полностьюl market participants to improve business performance and integrate ?joint efforts into increasing the level of domestic food market competitiveness. The special attention ?is given to understanding the processes of maintaining competition in the Russian domestic food markets.

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Журнал: Scanges in Social and Bisiness Environment (SISABE, 2018)

Номера страниц: 39-44

Издатель: б.и.


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