Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2018
Идентификатор DOI: 10.5943/cream/8/1/6
Ключевые слова: basidiomycetes, cell wall, luminescence, Polysaccharide sheath
Аннотация: The present study estimates the level of extracellular peroxidase activity and light emission intensity of mycelium of luminescent basidiomycete Neonothopanus nambi treated with β-glucosidase. A hypothesis has been proposed that treatment with β-glucosidase may trigger biochemical mechanisms of activation of ROS (primarily hydrogenПоказать полностьюperoxide) generation in N. nambi mycelium. The results obtained indicate that the enzyme causes partial disintegration of the slimy sheath of fungal hyphae and intracellular matrix, which leads to release of the extracellular peroxidases to the incubation medium. Mycelial cells treated with the enzyme reach the peak of their luminescence sooner. It has been assumed that partial loss of extracellular peroxidases, as important enzymes of antioxidant defense, may be compensated for by an increase in the level of light emission by the fungus.
Журнал: Current Research in Environmental and Applied Mycology
Выпуск журнала: Т. 8, № 1
Номера страниц: 75-85
ISSN журнала: 22292225
Издатель: Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Institute of Plant and Environment Protection