Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Ключевые слова: peoples of russia, north, indigenous peoples, stories, ethnography of russia, samoyeds, chukchi, deer, nature of the tundra, n. a. aleksandrov
Аннотация: Peoples of Russia is a series of ethnographic stories for children. This article analyzes the first issue of the series entitled Deserts of the North and their nomadic inhabitants by N. A. Aleksandrov. The book was published in 1898 and was not reprinted during the Soviet and post-Soviet times. It was also not subjected to a scientПоказать полностьюific description, while the work contains valuable historical material on the ethnography of Russia. In a form that is generally accessible for perception, N. A. Aleksandrov systematizes the historical and ethnographic material about the peoples inhabiting the North of Russia in the XIX century. The purpose of the study is to consider the image of these peoples, to study their ethnic-forming markers, from the standpoint of which the peoples are presented in the source. The research was carried out on the basis of the analysis of six ethnographic stories and the contents of the Interpreter section. Source analysis has become the main research method. As a result of the study, ethno-forming markers of such historical peoples of the north of Russia as the Lapps, Samoyeds, Ostyaks, Yukagirs, Chukchi, and Koryaks were identified. Ethnographic markers are manifested through the description of the appearance of members of peoples, their way of life, beliefs, traditions, rituals, social structure, economic situation, interethnic relations, in particular with Russians. It demonstrates not only the territorial remoteness of peoples from civilization, but also the decisive role of the natural and climatic conditions of the North in the formation of the culture of peoples. The systematization of historical data based on the analysis of the first issue of the Peoples of Russia publication substantially supplements the available information regarding the processes that took place among the northern peoples of Russia in the XIX century.
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 2021, Is. 16, Part 4
Номера страниц: 1980-1972
Место издания: Cherkas Global Univ Press
Издатель: 0