Тип публикации: научное издание
Год издания: 2018
Ключевые слова: growth from solution-melt, double compounds, noncentrosymmetrical crystals K2Ba(NO3)4, X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis, optical transmittance
Аннотация: With the development of technology, the need for highly efficient functional materials is steadily increasing. Therefore, the developing of principles and algorithms for these materials' search becomes more and more important and actual. Currently systems of double nitrates attract researchers attention due to the double compounds with a noncentrosymmetric structure which are considered as promising nonlinear materials for the short-wave range. As a result of previous studies K2Ba(NO3)4 crystals were obtained from aqueous solutions. It was found that K2Ba(NO3)4 decomposes on KNO3 and Ba(NO3)2 at the temperature of 197.3 oC. Due to the large amount of defects (dendrites, overgrowing by the main growth facets), the optical quality of these crystals was not high. This necessitated the search for new growth techniques that provide the production of high-quality optically transparent crystals. Therefore, we investigated the processes of crystallization of K2Ba(NO3)4 from a solution-melt. A solvent of the LiNO3-CsNO3-KNO3 composition with a eutectic temperature below the decomposition temperature of the double compound was chosen. Transparent crystals of K2Ba(NO3)4 up to 0.7 mm in size were grown, their structure was determined, and the absence of center of symmetry was shown. The optical transmission spectra were investigated on these crystals. The study of two spectra of this compound grown by different methods showed that crystals obtained from aqueous solutions are transparent from 0.25 μm to 2.2 μm, with an absorption peak with a maximum of 0.3 μm. Crystals grown by the solution-melt method are transparent from 0.3 μm to 2.2 μm. The width of the band gap is about 5 eV.
Журнал: Basic problems of material science
Номера страниц: 5-8
Место издания: Барнаул
Издатель: ООО "Научно-исследовательский центр "Системы управления"