Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2016
Ключевые слова: Diffusion of activity processes, End-to-end innovation, Industrializability, Innovation, Innovation management, Service industry
Аннотация: The article puts forward and verifies the hypothesis of the need for the end-to-end innovation for business development and the hypothesis of the coherence between the degree of individualization of technologies and products and the innovation capacity of an enterprise in the industry. A model explaining the delay in environmental Показать полностьюinnovation is also provided. The conditions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are regarded as characteristic of the innovation processes in the service sector. The representativeness and relevance of the sample are ensured by grouping according to the criteria of the compliance with the sector profile and Russian standards of determining the scale of the enterprise. Selective one-time observation of a diverse population was carried out in November-December of 2013. The authors applied the method of the expert evaluation of innovation level using a questionnaire form. The design of the study corresponds to the classification of innovations according to the Oslo Manual (technological, organizational, marketing, environmental, social, and informational). The comparability of service industries and types of innovation by the degree of assimilation is ensured by the formation of a matrix of normalized values. The concept and phenomenon of the “end-to-end innovation” are justified by the need to work out in detail the management methodology and reflect the functional specificity of production processes in the segment “service industry”. The managerial approach of “end-to-end innovation” is regarded as ensuring the sector development rate and the increase in the efficiency of the infrastructure of Russia’s regional and national economy. © 2016 Marina Vladimirovna Malakhovskaya.
Журнал: Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 21, Is. Special Issue 6