Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2001
Аннотация: A powder of zirconia with a typical particle size of 5-6 nm is synthesized by an explosive method. It is shown that the stabilization of the high-temperature cubic modification under standard conditions is due to the small particle size. The sequence of phase transformations is studied. The phase-transition temperatures are found tПоказать полностьюo be twice those for the standard powders. It is suggested that release of a considerable amount of heat during transition of the amorphous phase to the crystalline state plays a determining role in the stabilization of the size of the primary gel particles in the explosive synthesis. © 2001 Plenum Publishing Corporation.
Журнал: Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 37, Is. 4
Номера страниц: 481-485